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Stalin was dictator in Russia .

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Q: When the US entered world war 2 one of its allies had a totalitarian government - who was it?
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What if Nazi Germany and the other axis powers had defeated the US and the allies in world war 2?

Basically, the world would be a totalitarian/facist government run by the AXIS powers.

When the US entered World War 2 one of its allies was?


What other totalitarian system besides communism has existed in the world during the 20th century?

Communism is not totalitarian. A Communist world would have no government or classes or money.

What two things did the allies have on their side when they entered the war?

The allies had a huge number of supplies and arms on their side when they entered World War II. They also had air supremacy which was one of the major turning points in the war.

By time the US entered world war 2 the allies were fighting who?

They were still fighting the Germans

What was the type of government that alolf Hitler had in Germany during the time of world war 2?


What four countries were ruled by totalitarian during world war 2?

Germany (Adolf Hitler) and Russia (Josef Stalin). Many people believe Italy was a totalitarian government, but historians aren't sure whether Mussolini intended to have complete control over the people. Another possibly totalitarian government was Japan under Hirohito's rule. However, most people don't believe it was a totalitarian government.

What was the totalitarian philosophy of government that glorifies state and nation during World War 2?

National Socialism

What year did the us and Canada become allies with World War 2?

As soon as the US entered the war in December 1941

Why did Italy stay neutral during World War 1?

Italy entered WWI in 1915 on the side of the Entente (Allies).

What would happen to the US if your government went away?

If there was no government, the world would be a totalitarian. The world would not have as much protection from the police and everything would be a disaster. No one would be able to control what happens in the world.

Why did each of the Allies and Central Powers enter World War 1?

THey EnTerEd IT BEcAuSe They HAd NO ChOIce they Got ContRoLLed Over ProPaGanda.