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Q: When the US refused to pay a bribe, declared war on the US?
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Who declared war on the US when they refused to pay a bribe?

Tripoli declared war on the United States after the US refused to pay a bribe.

When the US refused to pay a bribe declared war on the US.?


When the US refused to pay a bribe who made war on the US?

The Barbary Pirates.

Who decided Britain was at war World War 2?

Britain told Germany to remove their troops from Poland. Germany refused and Britain declared war on them

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Who refused to pay taxes in protest to the Mexican American war?

Henry David Thoreau.

How did Thoreau protest the Mexican War?

He practiced civil disobedience by not paying taxes to protest the war.

Who asked the colonists to help pay the costs of the french and Indian war but they refused?

British Parliament

Was the civil war a take over of one country by another?

No, that was more like the Mexican War. The American Civil War was a rebellion of eleven states that declared themselves to be a separate nation, which Congress refused to recognise.

What is the final demand which will result in war if not met?

The final demand is called an "Ultimatum" which is Latin for "the last one", that is a demand. If the ultimatum is refused or ignored a state of war is declared and war commences. This is the correct and legal procedure to declare war.

Who supported Serbia when Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia?

Russia was bound by treaty with Serbia, Montenegro declared war on Austria-Hungary. Germany declared war on Russia. France bound by treaty with Russia declared war on Germany, Great Britain declared war on Germany after Germany refused to respect the neutrality and sovereignty of Belgium. United states tried to stay neutral but were to threatned by Germany's submarine attacks on Trade vessels to Germany's enemies. Japan had a military agreement with Britan, so declared war on Germany.