

When the axle invented?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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The axle helped in many ways and it was one of the most important inventions. The axle came along with the wheel.The wheel and axle were both one if the most important inventions. The wheel and axle help to transport fod from place to place. They were usually pulled my horses and/or oxen. The axle made it easier to turn corners and the wheel made it easier to transport items. The wheel and axle were invented my the Egyptians at about 3,500 B.C.

Hope this helped whoever need an answer to this question! <3

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No one knows who invented it because it seemed to have been invented in the neolithic age.

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Okay, Well a simple machine is either an inclined plane, pulley, srew, wheel and axle, and the lever. So something with a wheel and axle is a bike and the early bicycle was invented by Pierre and Ernest Michaux, the French father and son team of carriage-makers,invented the first bicycle during the 1860s.

Why was the wheel and axle invented?

Because it made moving heavy objects around ever so much easier.

When were the wheel and axle invented?

Thousands of years ago. Ancient civilizations such as ancient Romans used wheel and axle for carts.In fact there is evidence of wheel use as far back as 4th millennium BC.

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a " conventional " or " regular " axle - an axle that is not a limited slip axle

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you will find a wheel and axle on the back of the because the axle will hold the axle and the axle makes the fan move :)