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Q: When the border of Arizona New Mexico Colorado and Utah were made was there supposed to be a 4 corners?
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What are the three states that unite with Colorado to form the four corners?

Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona that unite with Colorado that makes the four corners.

What is the name of the corner where 4 states meet?

4 Corners (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado)

What 4 states meet a common corner?

New Mexico,Utah,Colorado,and Arizona make up the four corners

What 4 US states make up the 4 corners?

Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico are the states whose corners join together.

What four states in the US come together in one spot?

Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico come together at a spot aptly named The Four Corners.

What four states meet in a common corner?

Utah and Arizona and New Mexico and Colorado. It is called the 4 corners region

What states are in the 4 corners?

Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado are the 4 states that connect in the U.S.

Which 4 states meet at a geographic point known as the 4 corners?

Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado

What 4 states make the 4 corners so that you can be standing in 4 different states at one time?

This spot is called Four Corners and the states that occupy this location is are Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona.

What are the Four Corner states?

FOUR CORNER STATES: Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. states that border Arizona: New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and California. states that border New Mexico: Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and Texas. states that border Colorado: Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma. states that border Utah: Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, Idaho, and Wyoming.

Name which refers to utah colorado arizona and new mexico?

Four Corners

What is a place where Utah Arizona Colorado and New Mexico meet?

Four Corners.