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some do and some dont. I depends if theres a local school..

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Q: When the children have been evacuated do they still go to school?
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How many children had been evacuated in ww1?


Did you get evacuated with your friends?

I have never been evacuated with my friends. Evacuation are meant to be taking seriously and should be completed regardless if your friends are willing be evacuated or not.

How did the children get evacuated from Europe and England in World War 2?

Thousands of children were evacuated from Europe to England and America by ships. Many thousands were sent from England to Canada and America by ships, but this stopped when many children died on a ship that was torpedoed. Some of the children could not be reunited with their families after the war because parents had died or had been forced to move away by bombings. Many small children did not even remember their parents after the war.

Was the evacuation of London a success or failre in 1939-1940?

Not, as many of the children who were evacuated returned home around Christmas time because there had been no bombings. parents had thought that there is no point of leaving their children there, so the children were brought home for christmas.

Was there school in the 1510s?

There have always been teaching. It may not have been a formal school but people have always taught their children.

Why the parents send their children to school?

Parents send their children to school because children need to learn and school is the place where professional educators are. Since 1635 school has been required by law in the United States.

Why parents send the children to school?

Parents send their children to school because children need to learn and school is the place where professional educators are. Since 1635 school has been required by law in the United States.

Did children in World War 2 have to be evacuated?

By the end of the Second World War around 3.5 million people, mainly children, but also a few pregnant women, had experienced evacuation.During the weekend of the 1st to the 4th September 1939, around one million children were evacuated from all of Britain's major cities to the English countryside.about 3.5million children were evacuated after the second world war

Why did children have to leave London during the war?

SInce the threat was coming from Germany - children n the Eastern side of the country were evacuated to temporary homes in the west - to keep them safer than they would have been if they'd stayed at home.

In 1939 how many people had been evacuated to the countryside?


Have people been evacuated from Australia because of the drought?


Why were evacuated children not returned home as soon as the second world war ended?

unfortunatly after the war (as you are aware) there were a lot of deaths. many of whom would have been of the parents of the evacuated. also with so many burnt and demolished buildigs, fires and ash not only would this have been a horrific sight for the young children, but they would have no where to live and so they where better off living as an evacuee, than and orphaned homeless child. hope this helped :)