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Q: When the constitution convention convened in 1787 why was it called and what did it end up doing?
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(A) determine how the states should be represented in congress. I am doing that HW sheet now XD

What is one of the things the delegates to the Constitutional Convention decide on?

The Delegates decided whether to ratify The Articles Of Confederation or our current Constitution. In doing so they created our amazing Representative Republic.

What does the mathematical term convention mean?

Convention is not a mathematical term: it means what is generally done or an accepted way of doing something.

What were the delegates of the convention of1787 supposed to be doing?

They were to amend the articles of confederation.

What did the constitutional convention of 1787 come close to doing with slaves?

FRee them

Why was constitution it made so secretive about?

They were really, really, really worried that outside influences would taint the Constitutional Convention and its proceedings. They also worried that word would get about about what they were doing - not just revising the Articles of Confederation but totally rewriting them - and hoopla would ensue. In addition they didn't want false rumors to spread and start to discredit the Constitution before it was even finished. This is why the writers of the Federalist Papers used a pseudonym - so they wouldn't break this vow of secrecy but could still discuss the Constitution, since they were sworn to secrecy for the next 20 some years when it came to the Convention.

Compare and contrast the office of president between the US Constitution and the constitution of the confederate states of America?

The constitution for the confederate states was of course what the u.s didn't allow them to have such as slavery, In doing so they let the Americans progress in technology leaving them in an era of time. Now the u.s constitution had limits where as to the confederates were doing as they please.

What was one goal the constitution was to establish?

Sivle rights... peace, freedom, black rights, imigration laws....... things to keep.. or try to keep peace and justice.or ordain if your doing a crossword puzzle

What does congress pass?

Legislation. The procedure for doing this is spelled out in Article I of the Constitution.

Should the president report to congress about how the nation is doing?

The Constitution requires it.

What were federalists interested in doing?

The Federalists wanted to replace the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution.

What does a consul do?

a consul has to have an understanding of the constitution and has to know what the ambassador is doing with foreign countries