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The answer to your question is a zygote. From there, it develops to an embryo and a foetus. Happy science!!!

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Q: When the fertilized ovum implants in the uterine lining it becomes?
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Where do the sperms and egg meet?

In humans, eggs are typically fertilized in the Fallopian tube. The fertilized egg begins to divide and continues down the tube and implants in the uterine lining. If it implants in the Fallopian tube, this is known as an ectopic pregnancy (bad). In a chicken also, the egg is fertilized in the first part of the hens oviduct.

Where do the sperm and the egg?

In humans, eggs are typically fertilized in the Fallopian tube. The fertilized egg begins to divide and continues down the tube and implants in the uterine lining. If it implants in the Fallopian tube, this is known as an ectopic pregnancy (bad). In a chicken also, the egg is fertilized in the first part of the hens oviduct.

When the fertilized egg burrows into the uterine lining is called?


Well you think im pregnant and you had your tubes tied?

A tubal pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the fertilized egg implants itself somewhere besides the uterine lining and the fetus cannot survive.

Where in the uterus does the baby grow?

The fertilized egg (which develops into a baby eventually) implants itself into the uterine wall/lining. The lining surrounds the egg as it matures and develops into a fetus and a placenta and amniotic sac surrounds the fetus eventually to nourish it.

What happens after embryo transfer?

Hopefully it implants to the uterine lining and grows into a fetus

Why does a womens uterus thicken?

Progestrone causes the uterine lining to thicken in preparation of a fertilized egg. If no egg is fertilized, the thick lining is shed as a menstrual cycle.

What human organ does the embryo implant itself?

The fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine lining.

Why does menstruation takes place?

The menstrual cycle is a series of hormonal changes in which an egg matures and is released and the uterine lining thickens so that the egg, if fertilized, can implant in it. Menstruation happens when the uterine lining sheds because no fertilized egg has implanted.

How does the uterus lining prepare for pregnancy?

The uterine lining creates a place for the fertilized egg to attach to in the uterus. Once the egg has attached to the uterine lining, it begins to grow. The lining also helps deliver nutrients to the developing fetus.

What stops menstruation during pregnancy?

Menstruating is the uterus basically not being pregnant and therefor getting rid if the uterine lining. When pregnant there is a fertilized egg and the uterus will protect it with the uterine lining.

What is the process when the uterine lining becomes thin?

cervical effacement