

When the jedi fall where is ashoka?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The fate of Ahsoka Tano is unknown after 22 BBY (before the battle of yavin). It is unknown if she lived through Order 66.

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Ahsoka's fate has not been confirmed yet. So there is no real answer to your question just yet

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Well, Jedi could fall in love with someone. But it doesn't usually happen because Jedi are forbidden to have attachments. But even some Jedi have had "strong bonds" that they kept secret for a very long time.

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Many Jedi Died including the following :Aayla SecuraPlo KoonKi-Adi-MundiAayla SecuraBarriss OffeeLuminari UnduliStass AllieTraavis

In which year did ashoka die?

That is unknown, but thanks to the Season 5 finale, we know that Ahsoka's life was spared when Order 66 was issued. The Jedi expelled her when she was falsely accused of crimes she didn't commit, but when the truth was revealed, she refused to come back and left the Jedi Order and Anakin, tearfully.

What happened to Luke Skywalker after Return of the Jedi?

Well, from what I know, thousands of events happened after Return of the Jedi. Luke created a new Jedi Order and the Jedi came back. There are novels and comic books of these events. Try going on Wookieepedia to search and/or learn about them.