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New Moon.

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Q: When the moon is hardly seen what is that called?
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Related questions

What is it called when the moon is seen from Earth as a whole circle?

It is called full moon.

What are the areas called which can be seen on the moon?


What are the dark features seen on the moon called?

The Umbra.

The different shapes of the moon seen from earth are called?

Moon Phases , or Lunar Phases.

Have you ever seen both sides of the moon?

No. The other half of the moon is called 'the invisable'

What is earths campanion?

That is sometimes what the Moon is called. Seen from Venus the Earth and Moon would be seen as a pair of bright planets up to 0.5 degrees apart at opposition, which is the diameter of the Moon as seen from Earth.

What is a gibbons moon?

It's called a gibbous moon, and it is a moon phase where more than half of the visible surface of the moon can be seen.

What is the angular diameter of Earth as seen from the moon?

Since Earth has about 4 times the diameter of the Moon, the angular diameter of Earth, as seen from the Moon, is about 4 times larger than the angular diameter of the Moon, as seen from Earth. Since the Moon's angular diameter as seen from here is about half a degree, that would make Earth's angular diameter about 2 degrees.If you wish, you can look up more exact figures and do more precise calculations, but it is hardly worth the trouble, since there is some variation in the distance from Earth to Moon anyway.

When can a moon be not seen?

When the shadow of the earth covers it completely. It's called a lunar eclipse or new moon.

What are the black spots that can be seen on the moon?

Considered to be basalt flows resultant from meteorite impacts.they can also be the seas of the moon they are also called as low lying areas of the moon which are so big that they can be seen by the nacked eye

Why is the moon not seen from the earth?

The moon is seen from the Earth...

What is called when the waning Moon phase in which only one-half of the lighted side of the Moon can be seen from Earth?

That's called the "Third Quarter" phase. It occurs about 22 days after the New Moon.