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Q: When the north pole is tilted toward the sunit is?
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Which pole is tilted in the month of June?

There is only one axis and it is always tilted. The part of the axis we call the 'north' pole is tilted toward the sun in the northern summer, and the 'south' pole is tilted toward the sun during the southern summer. That said, the earth itself is a little closer to the sun during the southern summer/northern winter.

Which pole is tilted toward the sun when it's winter in the southern hemisphere?

When it's winter in the Southern Hemisphere it's summer in the northern hemisphere. Therefore the North geographic pole is tilted towards the sun and the South geographic pole is tilted away from the sun.

What season is it when the North Pole is tilted almost directly toward the sun on June 21?

In June, it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere of Earth. So I'd assume that the Northern Hemisphere is closer to the Sun at that time, and that would probably occur because the North Pole is tilted towards the Sun during June. In fact, the Summer Solstice is in the middle of June somewhere.

Is the south end of Earth's axis tilted toward the sun in march?

The 'equinoxes' occur in March and September. At those times, neither pole is tilted toward or away from the sun. At the time of the June solstice, the north pole reaches its maximum tilt toward the sun, whereas at the time of the December solstice, the south pole is at its maximum tilt toward the sun.

How many hours of sunshine does the north pole get on the first day of summer?

24 Hours. On summer solstice the earth is tilted toward the sun and it shines continuously at the north pole.

What does the earth look like in relationship to the sun during the summer in the northern hemisphere?

the north pole is tilted toward the sun.

What is it called when in the northern hemisphere the north pole is tilted toward the sun on about June 21?

That is the summer solstice. (sole-stuss)

North Pole tilted toward the sun at which time?

From March 21 until September 21, maximum on June 21.

When the north end of earths axis is tilted toward the sun what season is it in the southern hemishphere?

At its full extent, the South Pole is tilted about 23.5 degrees toward or away from the Sun.

What happens during midwinter when the North Pole is tilted away from the Sun?

When it is winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere. The North Pole is tilted away from the Sun in December. (That means that the Northern Hemisphere is also tilted away from the Sun in December.)