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No, they were not "free" like Americans are today. They were ruled by the British monarchy.

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Q: When the pilgrims arrived in America were they free?
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When did pilgrims arrived in America?

The Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620.

When were the pilgrims in America?

They arrived in 1620.

5 When did the pilgrims arrive in North America?

the pilgrims arrived in the Americas in the year

When did the pilgrims arrive in north America?

they arrived in America when they felt like it

What year did the piligrams come to America?

The Pilgrims arrived on November 21, 1620.

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How can you use the word pilgrim in a sentence?

During the Thanksgiving holiday, many families visit Plymouth Rock to honor the pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower.

Did pilgrims arrive in the fifteen hundreds?

No. The Pilgrims arrived in the 1620s.

What occupation did most pilgrims have when they arrived America?

Of the 58 Pilgrims who arrived on The Mayflower, only 32 of them had occupations that were recorded. They were definitely a middle-class group who worked hard for a living. Some of the occupations were carpenter, servant, blacksmith, sailor, tailor, and printer.

Why is 1620 so important?

1620 was an important year for the future of America. This is the year the first pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts from Europe.

How did the pilgrims begin their own tradition of self-goverentment?

They arrived to North America a year after the Virgina House of Burgesses met

When did the Pilgrims America?

The pilgrims arrived in America on November 11, 1620 (November 21 on the modern calendar) and made their first landing at Plymouth Rock on November 13. They lived in their ship until March, 1621.they came in 1620