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In the Ordinary Form, you say, "Amen", and stick your tongue out to receive Holy Communion; in the Extraordinary Form, you just open your mouth and stick your tongue out without saying anything.

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Q: When the priest says Body of Christ you say?
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What does the priest say during the Liturgy of the Eucharist?

Roman Catholic AnswerWhen the priest actually gives you Holy Communion, he says, "The Body of Christ".

What does the priest represent?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe priest doesn't just represent Our Blessed Lord, he is "another Christ", he presents Our Blessed Lord to whomever he is dealing with. In the sacraments, he doesn't say "may God absolve you" he says "I absolve you"; he doesn't say "this is Christ's Body" he says "This is MY Body". When he is functioning as a priest, he IS Christ.

What do you say when the priest says body and blood of Christ just before receivied the eucharist?


Does the priest merely pray that your sins will be forgiven?

No, the priest is an "alter Christus", "another Christ". When a man is ordained as a priest, he becomes more than the representative of Christ, Our Blessed Lord actually works through him. When the priest is consecrated the elements at Mass, he does not say, "this is Your Body", he says, "This is MY Body". He is speaking AS CHRIST. Similarly, during confession, he speaks as Christ, and says, "I forgive you your sins." We have Our Blessed Lord's guarantee that when the priest pronounces forgiveness, God is forgiving you.

What do you do when you receive communion?

The eucharistic minister says, "the body of Christ." and you say "Amen."

When receiving communion what do you say and the priest say?

The person holding the Body of Christ would say "This is the body of Christ" and offer it to you and you would say Amen (I believe). Another person would do the same with a chalice of God's blood and again you would say Amen. A non-Catholic should not receive communion.

When the priest reads the Gospel at Mass he says 'This is the Gospel of the Lord' then what is your response?

After the priest say "This is the gospel of the lord" the congregation says "Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ"

How do you say in German the Body of Christ?

Body of Christ = Leib Christi

What is the eucharist in the mass for?

The purpose of the Eucharist in mass is for everyone to take in Jesus. The Bread and Winebecomes the Body and Blood of Christ once the priest has blessed it.To be able to take Communion you must have had you first Holy Communion. Once you have had it you can receive Bread and Wine (The body and Blood) at Church. When you go up for Communion the priest will say "the body of Christ" and will have to answer "Amen" to receive it.

What does the priest mean when he says this is your body?

The reference is a most sacred reference to the Body of Christ and its real presence to believers in the Communion wafer or Host. This is one of many arguments- by the way that militates against the ordination of women. as the Priest intones- This is My Body there is an implication of a Male Body in Human form- a Woman performing these sacred rites- well, it raises some problems, Christ had the body of a Man, albeit, God-Made Man or God-Man but of Male gender. This, along with the arguments of St. Paul- a virtual (silent running! order in the church, is one of the more cogent arguments against the ordination of females. it is not someting akin to voting rights, social security, etc. -but a Biblical issue. There were no female priests in Biblical times..Catholic AnswerThe priest does NOT say "this is your body", he says: .Take this, all of you, and eat of it,for this is my Body,which will be given up for you..When a man is ordained, he is made into "another Christ", there is only one priest, and that is Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. All other "priests" are only men who are loaning their bodies to Our Blessed Lord so when the priest says, "This is MY Body", it is Our Blessed Lord acting through His priest, at that instance, the entire substance of bread vanishes and is replaced by the entire substance of Our Blessed Lord's Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity; only the appearance of Bread remains. Bottom line, what He means is exactly what Our Blessed Lord meant the first time around, it is not doing it again, it is the same sacrifice of Our Blessed Lord on the Cross two thousand years ago, being presented again, just as it was at the Last Supper.

What to say after reading a scripture in church?

Before the Gospel Proclamation:Deacon (or Priest): The Lord be with you. All: And also with you. Deacon (or Priest): A reading from the Holy Gospel according to... [Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John]All: Glory to you, Lord! After the Gospel Proclamation:Deacon (or Priest): The Gospel of the Lord. All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!

What do the priest say during consecration?

"In memory of his [Jesus'] death and resurrection, we offer you Father, this life giving bread, this saving cup. We thank you for counting us worthy to stand in your presence and serve you. May all of us who share in the body and blood of Christ be brought together in unity of the Holy Spirit. Before he was given up to death, a death he freely accepted, he took bread and gave you thanks, he broke the bread, gave it to his disciples and said, take this all of you and eat it. This is my body, which will be given up for you. When supper was ended, he took a cup, again he gave you thanks and praise, he gave it to his disciples and said, take this all of you and drink from it. This is my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all, so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me." [From Eucharistic Payer II]