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gamma radiation!

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an electron antineutrino.

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Q: When the radioactive isotope of Th-234 emits a beta particle to become Pa-234 it also loses a small amount of mass which is emitted as?
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What are three physical factors that have no effect on the amount of radiation emitted by a radioactive source?

The half-life of the radioactive material, the type of decay process, and the initial quantity of radioactive material are physical factors that do not affect the amount of radiation emitted by a radioactive source. Radiation emission is solely determined by the intrinsic properties of the radioactive material itself.

What is the sample of the radioactive isotope 131I decays its half-life?

The sample of radioactive isotope 131I decays over its half-life of approximately 8 days. This means that within 8 days, half of the initial amount of 131I will decay through radioactive decay.

What is the time it takes for the amount of a radioactive parent material to decrease by one-half called?

The time it takes for the amount of a radioactive parent material to decrease by one-half is called the half-life. It is a characteristic property of each radioactive isotope and is used to determine the rate of decay.

What is relative decay?

Relative decay is the process of determining the age of a sample by comparing the amount of a radioactive isotope it contains to the amount of its decay products. By measuring the ratio of remaining isotope to decay product, scientists can estimate the age of the sample based on the known decay rate of the isotope.

How many radiation do radioactive material emit?

Radioactive materials emit particles or energy in the form of radiation. The amount of radiation emitted by a radioactive material depends on its specific properties and decay process. Radiation is typically measured in units such as becquerels (Bq) or curies (Ci), which indicate the rate of radioactive decay.

Related questions

What is the relationship between radioactive isotope and radioactive dating?

In radiometric dating, the amount of a certain radioactive isotope in an object is compared with a reference amount. This ratio can then be used to calculate how long this isotope has been decaying in the object since its formation. For example, if you find that the amount of radioactive isotope left is one half of the reference amount, then the amount of time since the formation of the object would be equal to that radioactive isotope's half-life.

What is the half life of an isotope?

The half-life of a radioactive isotope is the amount of time it takes for one-half of the radioactive isotope to decay. The half-life of a specific radioactive isotope is constant; it is unaffected by conditions and is independent of the initial amount of that isotope.

What is half life of a isotope?

The half life of an isotope refers to the rate at which a radioactive isotope undergoes radioactive decay. Specifically, it is the amount of time it takes for half of a given sample of a radioactive isotope to decay.

Why must radioactive decay must be constant in order for radioactive dating to be accurate?

Amount of certain radioactive isotope in an object is compared with a reference amount. this ratio can then be used amount.

Why must radioactive decay must be constant in order for radiometric dating to be accurate?

Amount of certain radioactive isotope in an object is compared with a reference amount. this ratio can then be used amount.

What is it called when it takes an element half the amount of time for a radioactive isotope to decay?


Can the half life of a radioactive isotope decrease as the isotope decays?

No, the half-life of a radioactive isotope does not decrease as the isotope decays. That half-life remains constant. It's the amount of the substance that decreases as the isotope decays.

Where could radioactive waste be stored in?

This depends on the amount, specific activity, chemical form, type of emitted radiations.

Determine the amount of time it takes for three fourths of a radioactive sample of an isotope of bromine to decay the half-life of the isotope is 16.5 hours?

About 33 hours

Why was the radioactive atom was discovered?

They were discovered because the amount of energy they emit was measurable, but the method and manner in which it is emitted was inexplicable at the time.

How is radioactive decay used to determine the absolute age a rocks?

The basic idea is to measure the amount of the radioactive isotope, and of one or more of its decay products. The older the rock, the larger the percentage of the original isotope that decayed - so the ratio between the original isotope and the decay product changes over time.

What are the different types of dating?

By far the most common is radioactive dating which involves checking the amount of a given radioactive isotope in a given sample is left over (and calculating from the half-life [the time it takes for a radioactive element/isotope to decay to half the original amount]). Another one would likely be tree-ring dating which only determines the age of trees by how many rings it has.