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This is called dramatic irony, where the audience has knowledge that a character lacks. It can create tension, suspense, and engage the audience by allowing them to anticipate the consequences of the character's actions.

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Q: When the reader understands more about the events of a story than a character?
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The narrator of the story is typically the character who tells the story from their point of view, sharing their thoughts, experiences, and observations with the reader.

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This is known as a first-person point of view, where the narrator is a character in the story and tells their experiences directly to the reader. It provides a personal and subjective perspective on the events in the story.

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The reader could ask questions about character motivations, how the setting influences the characters' choices, or how the events in the story relate to larger themes or messages. Engaging with these aspects of the story can deepen their understanding and connection to the narrative.

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How close the reader feels to the story's characters and events.

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Point of view refers to the perspective from which a story is told. It can be first person (narrator is a character in the story), second person (narrator addresses the reader as "you"), or third person (narrator is external to the story). Point of view determines what information is shared with the reader and influences the reader's perception of the characters and events.

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A first person protagonist is a character in a story who narrates the events from their own perspective using "I" and "me." This perspective immerses the reader directly into the thoughts and experiences of the main character, offering a more personal and intimate view of the story.

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Foreshadowing is where the author tells the reader something, but the character doesn't know it. The reader knows something is coming before the character does.

What is limited third-person?

Third person limited is a narrative structure in which the reader sees events through the eyes of one character in the story, though not necessarily the narrator of the story (like a first person narrative is).

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The narrator, or point of view, of a story can greatly influence the reader's perspective and understanding. Whether it is first-person, third-person limited, or omniscient narration, the choice of perspective shapes how events are portrayed and how characters are perceived. The narrator's biases, reliability, and closeness to the characters can all impact the reader's interpretation of the story.

the author'sĀ  attitude towards the character and events in a story is the story'sĀ ?
