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yes they bounce back now can i ask a question

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Q: When the sound waves hit the ocean floor they bounce back or?
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How can the ocean floor features be measured and mapped using current acoustical technology?

Sonar. we send sound waves to the ocean floor and see how long it takes them to bounce and come back. Once we have how long it took and how fast the sound waves traveled we can find the distance

What are the sound waves sent to the ocean floor called?

Sonar waves.

Which of these uses sound waves to measure the distance between objects underwater?

Sound waves bounce off the ocean floor and come back up to whatever emitted it. The time it takes for the sound wave to come back tells how far down it went. Doing this many times over and over, one can map out the ocean floor, and if the sound wave comes back relatively fast, that means there is something on the ocean floor.

Oceanographers can use sonar to calculate the depth of the ocean floor because?

sound waves can penetrate the ocean floor.

What technique uses sound waves to measure the depth of the ocean floor?


Do ocean waves bounce?

Waving and bouncing are two different medium. The deeper the water the faster the waves travel, and yes the ocean waves can bounce if the waves hit anything such as rocks.

Does a reflection bounce off of a sound waves surface once the sound waves hit the surface?


How do sound waves travel what do sound waves need in order to travel?

sound waves bounce off of walls. they need air to travel.

Do objects block sound?

no, they absorb it or the sound waves bounce off.

Are ocean waves and sound waves different?

ocean waves have to do with water and sound waves have to do with sound

Do sound waves bounce off objects?


What instrument measure the depth of the ocean using sound waves?

'Sonar". And determines depth. The ocean floor topography can be mapped by 'sonar scanning'.