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Q: When the southern states seceded they dissolved their ties to the what?
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What Political document that dissolved the colonial ties between the US and Britain?

declaration of independance

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What does the Declaration state regarding political ties to Great Britain?

It states that the political ties to Great Britain are not needed and are not beneficial to America, and that they are permanently severed.

What are the 2 Southern states that touch Florida?

There are only two states that border Florida, Georgiaand Alabama. However, as Florida is surrounded by the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Carribean, it has geopolitical ties to any state or country that shares one or more of those bodies of water with it. Hope this answers your question!

What term relates to the theory that states that government developed from family ties?

Evolution Theory

What was the rapid growth of US cotton production between 1800 and 1860?

Since this is a statement and not a question I can still provide an answer. The reasons the increase in slaves is the invention of the cotton gin. More cotton was grown and more slaves were needed. By 1860 there were 4 million slaves in the southern states.

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his strong ties with communist countries

How many members are in the KKK?

None- . The KKK arose in the South after the Civil War. No US presidents had any adult ties with the Southern states in the years that the KKK was active so there is no reason why any of them would have joined.

How many ties are sold in a year in the US?

Neckties are the number one gift that is given on Father's Day. Each year over 29 million ties are sold in the United States.

Established religion in southern colonies and new york weakend by lackadaisical clergy and too-close ties with british crown?

Anglican church

Established religion in southern colonies and new york weakened by lackadaisical clergy and too close ties with british crown?

Anglican church