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a breaker

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Q: When the top of a wave moves faster than the bottom of a wave the wave collapses forming?
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When the top of a wave moves faster than the bottom of a wave the wave collapses forming a(n)?

The wave forms a breaker.

What happens when ther top layers of a glacier moves faster then the bottom llayers?

you are so stupid

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Air moves up in a tornado, but in the process of forming, most tornadoes start as a vortex high up in the clouds.

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the earth moves faster than you or i can run the earth moves faster than the bullet from a gun

How do waves affect the ocean floor?

A wave's energy moves in a circular pattern and the deeper the water column, the faster the wave travels and the smaller its size e.g. it has low steepness. As it approaches the shore and the water becomes shallow, the bottom of the wave drags on the ocean floor which slows the bottom of the wave down but the top of the wave continues at the same speed. Eventually the top of the wave gets so far ahead of the bottom that it topples over forming a breaker.

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Snakes are much faster.

How does the depth of the ocean affect the shape and speed of a Wave?

A wave's energy moves in a circular pattern and the deeper the water column, the faster the wave travels and the smaller its size e.g. it has low steepness. As it approaches the shore and the water becomes shallow, the bottom of the wave drags on the ocean floor which slows the bottom of the wave down but the top of the wave continues at the same speed. Eventually the top of the wave gets so far ahead of the bottom that it topples over forming a breaker.

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What moves faster hurricane or a tornado?

Tornadoes usually move faster. The average tornado moves at 30-35 mph while the average hurricane moves at about 20 mph.

Does a snail move faster on dirt or cement?

A snail will typically move faster on cement compared to dirt. This is because cement provides a more stable and smoother surface for the snail to slide across, whereas dirt can be uneven and may require more effort for the snail to move through.

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The jet stream is typically faster in the winter due to greater temperature contrasts between polar and tropical regions. This temperature difference creates stronger winds that drive the jet stream at higher speeds during the winter months.

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