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Q: When there are no signs of trauma put a victim in the shock position on the?
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Shock victim may have cool and pale?

One of the signs and symptoms of a shock victim is that they are usually cool and pale. It is usually important to take them to a place where there is free circulation of air.

What are warning signs to look for after a kidney punch?

If the strike is issued with enough force, the victim will go into shock.

As you prepare to treat an accident victim for shock you realize that the signs and symptoms can follow a logical progression over time what is a late sign of shock?

Confused and dieoriented behavior

What is internal bleeding?

Any bleeding that occurs inside the human body and is not visible externally, it can be extremely dangerous if left untreated. If you suspect internal bleeding call 911 or get the victim medical attention as quickly as possible. Monitor the victim for signs of shock.

What to do if AED gives no shock indicated?

If no shock is indicated by the AED, check for signs of life. Continue CPR if no signs of life are present.

What are the signs of teen abuse?

Signs of teen abuse can vary from victim to victim. Some signs of teen abuse are poor school performance, trouble concentrating and sleeping, poor eating and depression.

Signs of shock include?

ConfusionShallow breathing .

What are signs of traumatic shock?

Signs of traumatic shock include weak and rapid pulse, shallow and rapid breathing, and pale, cool, clammy skin

What if victim is partially breathing?

If signs of life become visible you should check for a pulse. If the victim has no pulse, CPR should be continued. If the victim has a pulse, CPR should be ceased but you must continue to monitor the victim's vital signs.

As you prepare to treat an accident victim for shock, you realize that the signs and symptoms can follow a logical progression over time Which of the following is a late sign/symptom of shock?

pale cool skinThere is NO real question asked in the above run-on sentence. Please rephrase the question.- Pale cool skin- Confused and disoriented behavior

What are the most obvious signs of shock?

Confusion Shallow breathing

Signs of shock include which of the following?

Shallow breathing Confusion