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Q: When there is too much carbon dioxide in your muscle your muscles feel tired. This is called muscle fatigue. When is there too much carbon dioxide in your muscles Explain.When there is too much carbon?
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Which muscles in the body can work longest time before getting tired?

All muscles in the body will eventually get tired after they have been used for a long time. This is called fatigue. The muscles that can last the longest depends on how well the body is taken care of.

What is muscle is found in your thigh?

The muscles in your upper thigh is called Hamstrings. Hamstrings are one of the strongest muscles in our body. They can also stand high tension that's why it takes long to fatigue those muscles. Good exercise specially squats can help make hamstrings strong.

What is fybriminelgia?

A syndrome characterized by chronic pain in the muscles and soft tissues surrounding joints, fatigue, and tenderness at specific sites in the body. Also called fibromyalgia syndrome, fibromyositis, fibrositis.

What is the name of the muscle in the rear-upper thigh?

The muscles in your upper thigh is called Hamstrings. Hamstrings are one of the strongest muscles in our body. They can also stand high tension that's why it takes long to fatigue those muscles. Good exercise specially squats can help make hamstrings strong.

What is chronic fatigue and immune disorder also called?

Chronic fatigue syndrome

What are deep muscles called?

The deep muscles of the human body are generally called intrinsic muscles. The muscles that are closer to the skin are called superficial muscles.

How you breathe in air?

you breathe in something called oxygen and then breathe out something called carbon dioxide. Inside your body the oxygen gets running through your blood vessels ans heart and muscles. then even though you breathe in a bit of carbon dioxide- you breathe more out than in! :)

What muscles are used in catching a ball?

the arm muscles which are called reflexs. the arm muscles which are called reflexs. the arm muscles which are called reflexs.

Why muscles get tired?

Muscles get tired due to the buildup of lactic acid, a byproduct of energy production in the absence of sufficient oxygen. This can lead to decreased muscle function and a feeling of fatigue. Additionally, depletion of energy stores such as glycogen and the accumulation of metabolic byproducts can also contribute to muscle fatigue.

What are deep muscles?

The deep muscles of the human body are generally called intrinsic muscles. The muscles that are closer to the skin are called superficial muscles.

Which organelle would cause fatigue?

The organelle that would cause fatigue is called the mitochondria. However, it will only cause fatigue if there's a defect in it.

What is the Muscles that we can control with conscious though are called?

The muscles that require conscious control are called voluntary muscles, or skeletal muscles.