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The candles are put into the Hanukkiah (Hanukkah-menorah) starting on the first evening) of Hanukkah. The candles are lit in the early evening after sunset or later.

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Q: When to place candles in hanukkiah menorah?
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Related questions

What holds 8 candles?

The hanukkiah, also called Hanukkah-menorah, is a candelabra that holds 9 candles and is used for the holiday of Hanukkah.

What is a Jewish menorh?

Two answers. The menorah was the candelabrum in the Tabernacle and the Temple (Exodus ch.25); and today, the candles lit in Hanukkah are placed in what we call a menorah (or a Hanukkiah).

What is the name of special candlestick used during Hanukkah?

The traditional name is a menorah. Modern (Israeli) Hebrew has added the name "hanukkiah."See also the Related Link.More about Hanukkah

Is a shamash used to light a menorah?

Yes, a shamash is used to light the Hanukkiyah (Hanukkah-menorah). The shamash may be at the center of of the Hanukkiah or on the end, but it is always at a different height from the other candles (either higher or lower).

How many candles does a hanukkiah have?

nine. eight candles and one Shamash.

What is the Hanukkah candlabrum called?

It's called a hanukkiah or Hanukkah-menorah.

Why are the candles on the menorah blue?

The candles on the Menorah can be of any color.

What is the special word for a candleholder used for Hanukkah?

It's called a channukiah or Hanukkah-menorah.

What is hanukkiah?

The hanukkiah is a type of 'menorah' specially made just for Hanukkah. A menorah is a nine-branched candelabrum (candle holder) used and lit during the eight-day holiday of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.

What is the name of the eight candle symbol used for Hanukkah?

It's called a menorah, or a Hanukkah menorah. Israelis call it a Hanukkiah.

Why are there 15 candles on the menorah?

There are only eight candles on the menorah; plus a ninth which is used to light the other candles.

What is the analogy for menorah?

if you are asking for synomyms they are: Chanukiah Hanukkiah kinara candelabra candle holder