

When to plant a weed seed?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: When to plant a weed seed?
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How is purple weed grown?

its a seed grown plant. plant the seed, water it, and then wait!

Can one weed seed grow?

After a seed germinates, it should be able to grow on its own, however, you must have a male and female plant to reproduce.

What is weed pollen?

The pollen grain originating from weed plant is a weed pollen. If weeds are removed from the field before production of pollen grains, seed formation in weeds will be checked .

Is weed better now than in the 70s?

Yes. Weed gets better with every new generation. When you take the seed from a plant and plant a new one the new plant is the 2nd generation. So in theory not only is weed better today, but it will be even better in the future.

Do the size of the weed seed determine the sex of the plant?

No. There is no way to tell if a marijuana seed will grow into a male or female plant. Size shape and coloration of marijuana seeds can vary considerably and wont really tell you much (if anything at all) about the plant inside.

How much weed can a seed produce?

A female marijuana plant does not produce any seeds, unless it is polinated by a male plant. Once the plant is pollinated there is not set number of seeds that are produce, but there will be a lot depending on the amount of pollinations.

How do you get rid of tar weed?

To remove Tarweed from your lawn you can do a few things. First use a herbicide to kill the weed, second mow your lawn to breakdown the plants and that removes the seed part of the plant or third pull the weed from the root.

What rthmes with seed?


How do you plant weed?

You don't plant weed, they just grow from gardens.

How does a plant become a weed?

A plant becomes a weed when it's not wanted.

What is a seed plant?


What is the best difference between a garden plant and a weed?

A weed is an unwanted plant.