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Q: When two objects are in contact what is heat best transferred by?
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How is heat transferred between two objects that are not in contact with each other?

i think by radiation........

When two objects are in direct contact the heat is transfered by?

Heat will be transferred by conduction from the warmer surface to the colder one.

In order for heat to be transferred between two objects by conduction?

Two objects must be touching and it has to transfer heat

Which best describes how energy how heat energy moves within a system?

Heat energy is transferred from warmer objects to cooler objects.

What best describes how heat energy moves within a system?

heat energy is transferred from warmer objects to cooler objects (2024)

How is heat transferred when objects touch?

When objects touch, heat is transferred by the process of conduction. Conduction is when heat transfers when molecules collide!

What transfer of energy naturally occurs between objects?

If two objects of different temperature are brought into contact, internal energy is transferred via heat. If two objects collide, kinetic energy is transferred between them.

How is conduction heat transferred?

the heat is transferred by direct contact of particles of matter

How is heat transferred through conduction?

Heat is transferred through contact between molecules.

How is heat transferred from one object to another (Apex)?

Heat moves from warmer objects to cooler objects.

How is heat transferred through thermal conductions?

Heat is transferred through contact between molecules.

How heat naturally transferred between objects?

Heat can be transferred in three ways, which are called conduction, convection, and radiation.