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Atomic is when two or more elements bond together. This is called atomic bonding.

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Q: When two or more elements bond together in the different properties a form in?
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Related questions

If two elements bond are the properties of the 2 elements the same or different from the newly formed compound?

the compound has properties that are different from the two elements the bonded, as it is a new substance

If atoms from different elements join together what does it make?

chemical bond

Why do atoms of different elements bond together?

They like to have full valence shells.

Can two different elements for a metallic bond together?

Yes, this occurs in alloys, such as brass or bronze

When elements chemically bond together new substance are siml?

When elements chemically bond together a new chemical is produced

When two or more elements bond together in definite proportions they form what?

When two or more elements bond together they form a compound.

What can electrons do for an atom to form a bond?

Chemical bonding is the joining of atoms to form new substances. The properties of these new substances are different from the properties of the original elements. An interaction that holds two atoms together is called a chemical bond. When chemical bonds form, electrons are shared, gained, or lost.

How do elements combine together?

Two elements combine together by sharing electrons to form a bond.

What types of elements bond with each other?

How do elements bond together to form compounds?Elements join together by gaining, sharing, or losing electrons.

Elements that bond together?

Hydrogen and Oxygen (Water).

How can so many substances in the world be made of so few elements?

The properties of a subtance depend not only on the atoms/elements it contains, but also the bonding patterns between them. In some cases, ie hydrogen peroxide and water, different bonds exist in one material which gives it different properties, such as the oxygen-oxygen peroxide bond. In other materials such as diamond and graphite, the same atoms are bonded together (in this example, carbon), but the crystal structure is different, thereby conveying vastly different properties to substances that seem similar. Thus, due to different atoms bonding and changes in crystal structure, many compounds can be formed from only a few elements.

What can you use the Periodic Table of Elements for to predict about the elements?

An element's physical and chemical properties. You can also predict what elements will bond with each other.