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Q: When two waves interfere destructively with each other the amplitude of the combined wave?
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Two waves meet at a time when one has the instantaneous amplitude A and the other has the instantaneous amplitude B Their combined amplitude at this time is?

A + b

Two waves meet at the same time when one has a instantaneous amplitude of A and the other has the instantaneous amplitude of B Their combined amplitude at this time is?

The amplitudes simply superimpose so it becomes A + B.

When is a standing wave produced?

When waves equal in wavelength and amplitude, but traveling in opposite directions, continuously interfere with each other.

When waves interfere destructively where does the energy go?

There isn't any energy lost when waves interfere destructively, so it technically doesn't "go" anywhere. One wave will be at a high point, but the other will be at a low point and will be essentially acting like "negative energy." Don't think of it like "losing energy," but more like just adding together positive and negative energies to find a value between the two.

Sound waves can interfere with one another so that no sound results?

Yes they can. It's called destructive interference. When 2 sound waves converge on each other and the waves are 180 degrees out of phase then they will destructively interfere and the net effect will be the negation of both waves so you hear nothing.

What is power substation?

A "substation" is not a power generating plant but a facility that modifies incoming power and redistributes it to the grid. There are several reasons to do this,among these can be mentioned:Changing voltage (power is generated and transmitted at very high voltages which are successively transformed down until they reach final consumers)Phase correction (if alternating current from different sources are out of phase when they are combined they could destructively interfere with each other)

What is the interaction between two waves that meet?

Interference. This can result in either constructive interference, resulting in increased amplitude, or destructive interference, whereby there would a reduced amplitude.

Is it possible for one wave to cancel another wave and the combined amplitude became zero?

yes but no because waves don't crash into each other in the middle of the sea. P.S i am 12

What is the formula for calculating amplitude when you have wavelength?

Amplitude and wavelength are independent of each other. There is no such formula.

Must polarized lens be with some colors on it?

No, polarized lenses are colorless (unless ordered with tinting). However most eyeglass lenses (polarized or not) have an antireflective coating on them, which looks colored due to diffraction effects. This antireflective coating actually is also colorless but is very thin and diffraction causes some colors to interfere constructively (making them visible) and other colors to interfere destructively (making them vanish) giving the appearance of having color.

How are loudness of sound and wave interference related?

As you know, sound travels in the form of waves with crests and troughs (high and low points). When two waves meet, constructive or deconstructive interference can occur. Loudness increases when waves interfere constructively, in other words when crests combine with crests or when trough combine with troughs to produce an even larger wave amplitude (the height of the resulting wave). Loudness decreases when waves interfere deconstructively, in other words when crests cancel out troughs to produce a smaller wave amplitude.

Can sound waves show interference?

Interference of sound waves occurs when one sound wave is not in phase with another. Graphically, this means that the sin/cos function representing the second wave does not line up exactly with the first one and the differences in sounds that result interfere with each other.