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There isn't any energy lost when waves interfere destructively, so it technically doesn't "go" anywhere. One wave will be at a high point, but the other will be at a low point and will be essentially acting like "negative energy." Don't think of it like "losing energy," but more like just adding together positive and negative energies to find a value between the two.

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Q: When waves interfere destructively where does the energy go?
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As you go from left to right across the spectrum what happens to the frequency and energy of the waves?

As you go farther right down the spectrum (radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, and gamma rays), the waves' wavelengths decrease as their frequencies decrease. For example, x-rays have a shorter wavelength and higher frequency than ultraviolet light. Radio waves on the left end have the longest wavelength and shortest frequency, while gamma rays on the right end have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency.

Who studies sound?

An audiologist studies the properties of sound.

Is a firefly giving off light a chemical or physical change?

It's not a change at all. It is simply what the firefly does. But it is a result of a chemical change within the firefly. A chemical reaction involves a transfer of energy. In this case, the energy would go into creating light waves from the molecules in the firefly, causing it to glow.

A bungee cord begins to exert an upward force on a falling bungee jumperWhere did all the energy go?

The energy didn't "go" anywhere. It gets its energy from someone letting it go. It all depends on how much force you put on it.

What experiment could you perform to determine whether a beam was behaving as a wave or a stream of particles?

The double slit experiment. Waves would difract and interfere with itself creating a characterisitc interference pattern whereas particles would just go right through and hit the other side, with a two parallel lined pattern. Light behaves as both wave and particles, depending on whether it's being observed or not.

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What is Phase change recording?

When recording a snare drum with a mic on the top and the bottom, a phenomenon known as phase cancellation can occur. Sound is a wave. A property of waves is that they can interfere with each other destructively and constructively. Imagine the sound waves caused when hitting a snare drum. The waves from the top of the drum will go into the top mic first, then the bottom mic. The waves from the bottom of the drum will go into the bottom mic first then the top mic. Because of the timing of the waves as they arrive at each mic, they will destructively interfere, and many of the frequencies integral to a good snare drum sound will be low in gain (volume). So a good audio engineer will use a phase reversal lead on the bottom mic. This is just like a normal lead, only the positive and negative pins have been reversed, and the phase cancellation will not occur.

Which waves can go through a vacuum?

Electromagnetic waves are the only form of energy that does not need a medium for propagation.

What is sound energy or ray?

neither its sound waves that go into your ear

Why does the radio go out of tune when you are near it?

The human body has natural electromagnetic energy. This can interfere with the radio signal because the body can behave as an antenna for this energy.

Can energy go through water?

Yes, energy can travel through water in the form of waves or vibrations. For example, light energy can penetrate water and heat it up, while sound energy can travel through water as pressure waves.

How energy travel?

"ENERGY" travels through WAVES. *Waves is created through disturbance of Matter (the Medium). *Waves carry energy from Particle to Particle of Matter. <credits> *Journel Cabrillos*

Which waves transmit energy and not matter?

Please note that any energy has a mass equivalent (calculated as E / m squared).Other than that, that's basically what all waves do - electromagnetic waves, gravity waves, sound waves, waves on a water surface, and others. The matter doesn't go from one place to another, only the energy gets transmitted.

What waves can transfer energy but don't have to go through a medium?

Electromagnetic waves, such as light and radio waves, can transfer energy through a vacuum without the need for a medium. This is because electromagnetic waves consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that do not require a material medium to propagate.

Transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves?

Electromagnetic waves transfer energy through oscillating electric and magnetic fields. As the waves propagate through space, they carry energy in the form of photons. This energy can be absorbed by materials, causing them to heat up or undergo chemical reactions.

When waves go from one place to another they carry?

energy and information. Waves transfer energy through the oscillation of particles or fields in a medium. In addition, they can also carry information by encoding signals in their frequency, amplitude, or other wave properties.

Do gamma rays carry the least amount of energy of the EM waves?

No, gamma rays carry the most energy of all electromagnetic waves. They have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, making them the most energetic.

What energy transformation does a siren go through?

A siren goes through electrical energy to sound energy transformation. When electricity is supplied to the siren, it vibrates to produce sound waves in the air.