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soak the clothes in water with starch(mixed and boiled) or spray lightly the surface of the clothes before ironing.

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Q: When using starch should iron be on steam or dry?
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Related questions

Why should you iron your clothes?

You should iron your clothes because there would be wrinkles and creases after you wash your clothes. After you iron your clothes by using an iron whether it is dry or steam, you can get rid of wrinkles and creases. You can use tips shared here to use any iron as per your requirement.

Iron is to shirt as steam is to?

Iron is to shirt as steam is to pants.

What happens when you mix iron with steam?

Iron is corroded in steam.

Can you clean the steam iron's reservoir using the cleaner CLR?

no - not recommended. It can damage interior of iron. Use equal parts water & vinegar

What should be the temperature setting on your iron when you iron cotton clothing?

Hot iron for best results!,steam iron is a great help when fabric has become a little dry.

What temperature does silk on an iron get?

Steam it lightly. If your iron doesn't have a steam setting, use a spray bottle to spray water on the material before ironing. Iron on the side that faces in.

Why does a hot iron help straighten your clothes?

An iron is hot in order to turn the water you put in it into steam. The steam is the key ingredient here. Basically you're making the fabric hot and damp, and using the weight of the iron to flatten out creases. The steam and warmth helps the fabric fibers to relax whatever shape they've gotten bent into.

When was the steam iron invented?

The standard iron for clothing was created by Henry Seeley in 1882. It was the Eldec Company that created the steam iron in 1926.

How safe is it to powder coat iron cast steam radiators in a home?

The label on the paint container should have whatever info you want. Figure the radiator temp will not exceed 250*F if you are using steam at 15 psig which is very high for a home system and go from there.

What do you do to get seams to stay stiff on a uniform?

spray on some starch when ironing When you first remove the clothing from the washer, pull or stretch the seams so that they are smooth. Then, when you iron using starch, the seam will stay straighter.

Can you steam iron PVC?


What is the steam spray iron?

An iron that uses steam to make to fabric more malleable before heating it to flatten it out