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Peter was never confirmed to be crucified. Peter's and all other apostle's mode of death cannot be found in or outside The Bible.

AnswerThe year is known. Dr John MacArthur in "The MacArthur Study Bible" says in the Introduction to 2nd Peter:

Nero died in AD 68 and tradition says Peter died in Nero's persecution. [It was] written just before his death (see 2Peter 1:14) c.a. AD 67-68."

It is mentioned in sources outside the Bible. Herbert Lockyer in "All The apostles Of The Bible" (1970) page 257 says:

Macarius of Magnesia said that Peter of Rome was crucified in Rome....Peter did go to Rome and was martyred there during the Neronian persecution....There is also [the 2nd century document] "The Acts of Peter" extant in fragments, except for the account of his martyrdom...

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Q: When was Apostle Peter crucified?
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Who was crucified upside down?

According to tradition, the apostle Peter was crucified upside down. Peter reportedly requested to be crucified in this manner because he did not consider himself worthy to be crucified in the same way as Jesus.

How old is Peter the apostle?

Peter was a very old man when he was crucified on the cross in Rome.

How was the apostle Peter crucified?

According to nearly 2000 years of tradition, Peter was crucified upside down in Rome under orders from Emperor Nero sometime between 64 and 67 AD.. Peter did not feel worthy to die in the same manner as Our Lord so requested that he be turned upside down. The crucifixion of Peter in Rome is held by all Christians with the exception of a minority of Protestant sects.