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Q: When was Aspartame certified by the FDA?
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Can velcorin be used in organically certified products?

No and NOT OU certified as well. FDA not approved for protein beverages

What is aspartame used for and why is it in gum?

Aspartame is a low cal sweetener used ion "diet" products. it is used because it is about 200 times sweeter than sugar. The FDA has made it one of the most widely tested products ever. it is unsure if it is safe or not but it is FDA approved. Supposedly it is to cause major side affects such as blindness, gastric problems, and respiratory problems. I hope this answers your question

What is the acceptable daily intake of aspartic acid?

Aspartic acid and phenylalanine acid are the two amino acids that are in aspartame. The Acceptable Daily Intake, or ADI, of aspartame is 50 mg/kg body weight for children and adults and it is set by the United States FDA.

Does diet soda have more flavor than regular soda?

Flavor is based upon personal opinion. In my opinion, Regular soda has much better flavor. But, if you are considering a switch to diet soda, consider this. Most diet soda has aspartame. And, aspartame has been the subject of several controversies since its initial approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1974. Critics allege that conflicts of interest marred the FDA's approval of aspartame, question the quality of the initial research supporting its safety,and postulate that numerous health risks may be associated with aspartame. And there have been studies that say that aluminum cans react with the aspartame to make is even more dangerous. Causing cancer and a whole assortment of mental illnesses.

Does aspartame cause headaches?

Aspartame may trigger some types of headache in susceptible individuals.For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management of headache and Migraine, please seek the help of a board certified Migraine and headache specialist who has had extensive and specialized training on helping patients with these issues.

Has Microdermabrasion been certified safe by the FDA?

Yes. In 2006 the FDA declared microdermabrasion as a Class 1 medical device. This means that microdermabrasion machines can be used by those without any medical training.

What was Edward M Ted Kennedy alcoholic drink of choice?

don't know his alcohol beverage of choice, but i bet the mixer he used was diet soda.. loaded with aspartame & turned into 20 mg of methyl alcohol/methanol & now is the #1 cause of seizures & brain tumors..ever since aspartame was approved in 1981 with much help by one Donald Rumsfeld that said "he would call in all his makers to get the pioison "aspartame" approved.. even over the objections of most FDA scientists who did the tests on it..actually aspartame was originally going to be used by the military as a bio weapon....aspartame was originally not approved by FDA scientists..ALL 20 monkeys used in early asparrtame tests ALL GOT BRAIN TUMORS.. the body quickly turns aspartame into methanol /methyl alcohol the methanol is then quickly converted into the poison formaldahyde in the body [formaldahyde is great for embalming dead bodies but not very good for living,breathing bodies]

Is diet Pepsi good for people?

: I have recently read an article on both Diet Pepsi and aspartame. The article stated that "aspartame has been found to be safe for human consumption by more than ninety countries worldwide". This is proved by the FDA AND PBOI. Apartame however shoould NOT be consumed if you have heart promblems or have any family history of heart promblems. AlsoI read this in the article "In 1999, FDA scientists described the safety of aspartame as "clear cut" and stated that the product is "one of the most thoroughly tested and studied food additives the agency has ever approved." So there for I will keep drinking my Diet Pepsi products and not worry about if it is good for me or not. I have just looked at the FDA website and searched Aspartame and this is waht it said "However, certain people with the genetic disease phenylketonuria (PKU), and pregnant women with hyperphenylalanine (high levels of phenylalanine in blood) have a problem with aspartame because they do not effectively metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine, one of aspartame's components. High levels of this amino acid in body fluids can cause brain damage. Therefore, FDA has ruled that all products containing aspartame must include a warning to phenylketonurics that the sweetener contains phenylalanine." You can let this decide for you whether or not to drink Diet Pepsi.

Is macafem fda approved?

Macafem's production has been certified with ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management, SQF 2000 & HACCP Safe Quality Foods, SGS GMP Good Manufacturing and since Macafem is an herbal supplement, it doesn't require FDA approval.

How many syllables are in aspartame?


Why is aspartame important?

Why not? it tastes sweet and isn't bad for teeth and wont make people with diabetes go Hyperglycaemic. If you are referring to the aspartame controversy which I am sure you are, Aspartame hasn't been proved to cause cancer in humans. while studies did find that there were increased cancer rates in rats fed aspartame, this doesn't mean It will cause cancer in humans. Dogs find chocolate poisonous, but humans eat chocolate in copious amounts without incident. so while aspartame may prove fatal to rats, humans can continue to enjoy the foul taste of the worlds most popular artificial sweeter.

Can eating aspartame give you headaches?

Although eating Aspartame may trigger headache or Migraine in susceptible individuals, it isn't known to *cause* headache on its own. The ICHD-II (the tool used by doctors to diagnose headache disorders) makes no mention of a specific headache disorder caused by Aspartame, however Aspartame is certainly mentioned by most specialists in the list of potential triggers for Migraine.For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management of headache disorders and Migraine, please seek the help of a board certified headache and Migraine specialist.