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George Washington was a became the President of the US in 1789 on April 30.

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Q: When was George Washington appointed the President of the US?
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George Washington was the first President of the U.S. George Washington

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Gerald Ford was the first vice-president who was not elected to the position.He later became the president when President Nixon resigned his office, so I suppose you could say he was appointed President. (Nelson Rockefeller was the only other appointed vice-president. He was appointed to replace Ford after Ford moved up to President. )

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The first US President was George Washington.

To what position did George Washington appoint Jefferson while he was president?

George Washington appointed Thomas Jefferson as the first Secretary of State of the US (1790-1793).

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George Washington was president and he appointed one of his revolutionary war generals, Anthony Wayne, as its leader in the Northwest Indian War.

Who is the first president of US?

George Washington. I hope this is not a trick question.

How many signers of the constitution became president?

2 of the signers of the US Constitution became president. They are James Madison and George Washington. George Washington was the first President of the US and James Madison was the 4th President.