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No one knows when Joseph was born. Joseph's date of birth isn't indicated in The Bible. The year that Jesus was born isn't indicated in the Bible.

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In our era though many biblical scholars have narrowed the date to the fall (September to October probably during the Feast of Trumpets) of 5-4 BC. This was 6 months after Elizabeth gave birth to John the Baptists.

Consider that Joseph had to walk about 100 miles to get to Bethlehem for the Roman census - not a feat for an older man to take alone with a pregnant wife. He also had other children with Mary so he wasn't beyond the 'age' of having them. Some say he was about 21-25 when engaged to Mary who was 12-14. The Jewish Temple would have had all this information to allow the marriage but it was fully destroyed by Rome in 70 AD.

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Q: When was Joseph born for Jesus to be born?
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The Bible does not say exactly where Joseph was born, but because he was a Jew it is assumed that it was Judea somewhere. (Although he was legal father of Jesus by law, he was actually Jesus' stepfather.)

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in Bethlehem (where Jesus was born) - this is from a very trusted source