

When was Kenneth Grahame born?

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Kenneth Grahame was born on March 8, 1859.

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What is Kenneth Grahame's birthday?

Kenneth Grahame was born on March 8, 1859.

How old is Kenneth Grahame?

Kenneth Grahame was born on March 8, 1859 and died on July 6, 1932. Kenneth Grahame would have been 73 years old at the time of death or 156 years old today.

Who wrote wind in the willows?

"Wind in the Willows" was written by Kenneth Grahame, a Scottish author, in 1908.

Was the author of the book the wind in the willows Kenneth Grahame?

yes in fact it was Kenneth Grahame. in 1908

How old was Kenneth Grahame at death?

Kenneth Grahame died on July 6, 1932 at the age of 73.

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Kenneth grahame wrote this poem in 1989 and published it in 1990

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Who wrote wind in willows?

Kenneth Grahame

When did Jane Grahame die?

Kenneth Grahame died on July 6, 1932 at the age of 73.

What r kenneth grahame most famous books?

Kenneth Grahame's most famous books are " The Golden Age'' and " The Wind in the Willows'' and also a book by the name ''Dream Days''

Who is tye author of the wind in the willows?

"The Wind in the Willows" was written by Kenneth Grahame. The book was first published in 1908 and has become a beloved classic of children's literature.

Was the author of wind in the willows Kenneth Graherm?

First published in 1908, Kenneth Grahame was the writer