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Never Take Friendship Personal was created on 2005-02-01.

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How do you take revenge form best friend?

donot do anything back.say face to face that they donot deserve ur friendship and never speak to them.say that they donot know the friendship value..........

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never ever download it. it is a virus which can take your personal information

Does friendship last forever?

Friendship can last forever if you want it to. It depends on the people where they want to take it.

Is HELLO the first word in a friendship?

yeah that is the first word in a friendship just take a deep breath and say it i think that is the first word in a friendship.

My sexuality is a cost for my friendship what should you do?

if i were you, i would take friendship. but if u can explain more, then i will try to give you an OPINION.

How do you friendship a girl?

take her virginity that way she is yours

Where does the book a Friendship for Today take place at?


Can i take OXYCONTIN with acetaminophen and ibuprofen?

You should NEVER self medicate. Only take drugs that are prescribed to you by a doctor. The internet is no place to obtain PERSONAL medical advice.

If a guy likes a girl and doesn't want to ruin their friendship should he ask her out?

if you value the friendship that much, then i wouldn't take the chance.

What if you never talk but you really like a guy how would you talk to them?

It happens most times, you can take the bold step and approach him. But remember friendship grows, nothing is instantaneous, so learn to build your relationship.