

When was Odin born?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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To understand the answer to this question, it is important to outline the events that led up to the birth of Odin. Although the story is far, far longer than written here, these are the basic facts... Odin (Otherwise known variously as Woden, Oden, Wodan, Wotan, Allfather Lifthrasir, and Valfather, among other things) was born in the time before time, in the place between places; a region of space called Ginnunga Gap. This place lay north of Muspels-heim (Home of elemental fire) and south of Nifl-heim, the home of elemental mist & darkness and to Hvergelmir, the seething cauldron that continually supplied the twelve rivers of Elivagar which constantly flowed into Ginnunga Gap. In the depths of Ginnunga Gap the rivers of Elivagar froze and broke off into enormas ice blocks. Among these blocks was created (By the unseen / unknown) Ymir or Orgelmir (meaning "Seething Clay"), the first Frost Giant or Hrim-thurs, who proceeded off to find something to eat. While wandering the chasm, Ymir happened across a giant cow, Audhumla (meaning milk giver) and noticed that from her udder there continually poured four great streams of milk. Having drank his fill, Ymir went about his business (creating his race). Audhumla, however was now hungry and began to lick the salt from one of the nearby ice blocks. After much licking, Audhumla had inadvertantly freed the god Buri (The producer) from imprisonment within the block. Buri immediately "produced" a son, Borr (Born) and as soon as Ymir and his progeny became aware of the two gods they began to wage war on them. The Aesir (gods), representing all that was good could not have hoped to live in peace with the Hrim-thurs, who represented all that was evil or malignant. The struggle continued for ages until Borr married the giantess, Bestla (Daughter to Bolthorn or "Thorn of evil"). Of this union were born three sons; Odin, Vili and Ve (meaning "Spirit", "Will" and "Holy" respectively). The three brothers were later to be the slayers of the great Ymir, whos blood created a deluge in which all his race, except for Bergelmir were drowned. Bergelmir thence went on to repopulate his race, having escaped in a boat to the world. There is no mention in the Eddas of a date, and for good reason; the world had not yet been created and time was meaningless and immeasurable. The briefest translations of the Eddas & Sagas makes all these events sound very close together on a timescale, when in actual fact they may have happened thousands of years apart. When studying Norse mythology it is not so important to take note of when or exactly how things happened, but rather to take lessons from the outcomes of events. The whole theology was based around moral implications; fables if you like. The gods were imperfect and as such were fated to one day be destroyed. This day came and was called Ragnarok. The men who worshipped Odin and his compatriots centred their lives on pleasing their gods in order to garner favour. To do this they lead honourable lives, and strode fearlessly toward honourable deaths. This was the example set by the gods, and men were rewarded for following it with admission into Valhalla upon their deaths.

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