

When was a compass discovered?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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Q: When was a compass discovered?
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Who discovered the compass?

No one is actually sure who was the discoverer of the compass but it is said to have been discovered by Feng Shui and his fellow helpers.

Where was loadstone discovered?

Lodestone was discovered in the Greek island of MAGNESIA! This was the beginning of Lodestone and the compass.

Who discovered why a compass needle always pointed north?

The Chinese.

How did the magnetic compass change life in Europe?

A Magnetic Compass showed directions to many sailors who later discovered many things

Why were compass invented?

they were made so that on ships they could know which way they were going it was a big factor on the trip Columbus made if he wouldn't of had a compass he may have never discovered north America and you and me may of not been here right now

Who is known for his research in electricity and magnetism?

Hans Christian Oersted. In 1820, he discovered that an electric current could affect a compass needle.

Who discovered the elctromagnetism?

Electromagnetism was discovered by Hans Christian Orsted, a danish scientist in 1820. Whilst preparing for a lecture, he noticed that a compass needle could be moved by the electric current in a battery. Hope that helps!! x

What are the benefits and disadvantages of the Chinese compass?

The main difference of the Chinese compass with the existing compass today is that the former makes use of ferrites or magnetic oxides. These are natural minerals that attract iron and other metals. Large deposits of ferrites were discovered thousands of years ago in the district of Magnesia in Asia Minor. The second difference is that the Chinese compass is always pointing on the south while the invented compass points to the north. The third is that invented compass is basically used for navigational purposes whereas the Chinese compass is used as a navigational tool and also as a beautiful piece of home décor and for Feng Shui.

How did cassia save Ky's compass from being taken by officials?

Cassia was able to save Ky's compass from being taken by the officials by swapping it with her own compass. She quickly acted in the moment, taking advantage of the confusion during the search to make the switch without being noticed. This quick thinking helped protect Ky and his secret from being discovered.

Is gyrosyn compass a combination of magnetic compass and artificial horizon?

No,a Gyrosyn compass is a combination of a Magnetic compass and Direct reading compass.

How do you compass?


Most important inventions?

One of the most important inventions is the penicillin which was discovered in 1928. Another very important invention was the invention of compass, which was discovered by ancient China in the 9th century.