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Q: When was containment successful?
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In which conflict was containment successful?

Containment was successful in Europe when Soviet forces attempted to push the Western powers out of Berlin. This happened during the Greek Civil War which took place from 1946-1949. During this war, the UK and the United States were backing the Greek government.

Was containment an effective political strategy?

In some parts of the world, it was successful, such as Korea and Latin America. In other regions, like Southeast Asia and Central Africa, containment was ineffective.

How successful was Kennedy's containment plan specifically in Europe Middle East Asia and Latin America please explain?


Was the United States successful in its first test of containment?

No, it was not in good containment at first because it was attacked by brittain many times and could not hold up very long so brittain took part of the U.S in 1879

Was the policy of containment successful in korea?

the containment policy was issued to stop the spread of communism what happened in Korea was that we or America stopped communism from spreading all the way through Korea we controlled it and kept it half way in north Korea i believe it was succes

What was the US policy to stop the spread of Communism called?

It was called the CONTAINMENT POLICY.Please see this WikiAnswers Article which details how Containment worked.

What is the containment doctrine?

a doctrine of containment :p

What policy did the Truman Doctrine support?


What is the definition of 'containment'?

In reference to the word "Containment," in the historical context of Communism, containment is the blocking of another nation's attempts to spread its influence. The actual word containment means to block passage or quarantine.

What is 'containment' in German?

Depending on context, containment can be translated as:EindämmungZüruckhaltungBeherrschungEinhegungIn-Schach-Halten

Which was right in the Korean war full scale war with China or containment?
