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Greek Orthodox Easter 1950 fell on April 9 in the Julian calendar.

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Q: When was greek orthodox Easter 1950 Julian calendar?
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What date do the Greeks celebrate Easter in 2008?

The Greeks celebrated Easter on March 23, 2008. They follow the Orthodox Christian tradition and use the Julian calendar to determine the date of Easter.

What is orthodox Easter?

Orthodox Easter is the date when Eastern Orthodox Christians throughout the world celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This year, Orthodox Easter is on 27 April 2008, according to the Julian Calendar. The Western Christians (Catholics and Protestants) now use the Gregorian Calendar to calculate their Easter. Orthodox Easter is also known as 'Pascha' in Greek, and has continued to be celebrated in the same way by Orthodox Christians for over 2,000 years.

Do All Aprils Have Easter?

No. Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox (it's actually a little weirder even than that). It can occasionally fall in March. (If your ecclesiastical calendar is based on the Julian calendar... for example, if you're Greek Orthodox... it can fall in what the civil calendar considers to be May.)

What religion celebrates Easter Sunday on Sunday May 5 2013?

Eastern Orthodox Churches, including the Russian Orthodox and Greek Orthodox Churches for example, still use the Julian calendar to calculate the date of Easter.The Julian calendar was replaced by the Gregorian calendar beginning in 1582 because March 21, which had been accepted to be the date of the vernal equinox, was drifting away from the actual vernal equinox under the Julian calendar at the rate of an extra day every 128 years.It had been determined that Easter should never fall before the vernal equinox, so one of the rules governing the date of Easter is that it never falls earlier than the 22nd of March. The Eastern Orthodox Churches follow the rule that Easter never falls earlier than the 22nd of March of the Julian calendar, which is the 4th of April on the Gregorian calendar during most of this century. And since Easter is always the Sunday after a full moon (by calculation, not observation, contrary to popular belief), the Eastern Easter is often a month after the Western Easter.

When it will be Easter in Romania this year?

Romania is Christian (98%) and follows the Greek Orthodox calendar. Easter this year is one week after the Catholic Easter. Good Friday would be on the 17th .

When was Greek orthodox Easter in 1939?

Greek Orthodox Easter 1939 was on Sunday, April 9.

What is the difference between Greek Orthodox Easter and Roman Catholic Easter?

The Orthodox Church uses the old Julian calendar to calculate Easter, whereas the Roman Catholics and Protestants use the new Gregorian calendar. Previously, they all used the same Julian calendar, until Pope Gregory XIII changed it (and named the new calendar after himself) in 1582. This means that Easter for Roman Catholics and Protestants can often take place before the Jewish passover, which is chronologically inaccurate, whereas Orthodox Easter is always after the Jewish passover, which is the historically accurate sequence of events.

Why is orthodox Easter different?

In Greek Orthodox Churches, a tomb is often put in the centre of the Church for the Good Friday Service. People proceed to the service like they going to a funeral. A Service is held on the Easter Saturday evening, just before Midnight. Priests give out candles to people in the Church and they are lit at Midnight. Fireworks are also sometimes used to signal that Easter Day has started. On Easter morning, a soup made of Lambs stomach is sometimes eaten for breakfast! The rest of the lamb is roasted and eaten for the main meal. A traditional Greek Easter cake is made with Oranges and Almonds in it. It is eaten with a spicy orange sauce poured over it.

Why does the Romanian Orthodox Church celebrate Christmas on December 25 instead of Jan 7 like most other Christian Orthodox churches?

Because the Romanian Orthodox Church adopted the new (Gregorian) calendar in 1924, along with the Greek Orthodox Church. The largest Orthodox church (the Russian Orthodox) continued to use the old (Julian) calendar, along with the Serbian Orthodox, to celebrate Christmas on 7 January each year.

Is there a religion that celebrates Easter on the 15th April?

Greek Orthodox

Do greek orthodox color their eggs blue?

Greek Orthodox Church members color their eggs red at Easter. (Red is the color of life.)

When was Jesus resurrected?

As he was crucified on the day before Passover (always on the Jewish Sabbath - a Saturday), heas crucified on the Friday. On the 'third day' he resurrected. In Jewish custom, days were counted always including today, so if he was crucified on Friday, he was resurrected on Sunday morning. In the Christian church this is Easter day, and the Friday before is Good Friday. We are told that jesus was around 33 at the time of his death, and as he was born around 3-4 BC, this puts the year of the resurrection around 30AD. Therefore he was resurrected on the first'easter Day' in 30 AD. To work out the time of easter, see below: Easter Sunday is the date of the annual celebration of Christ's resurrection. The aim of the Easter Dating Method is to maintain, for each Easter Sunday, the same season of the year and the same relationship to the preceding full moon that occurred at the time of his resurrection in 30 A.D. This was achieved in 1583 A.D. using skill and common-sense by Pope Gregory the 13th, and his astronomers and mathematicians, by introducing something called the Gregorian dates table (Gregorian calendar). Easter Sunday, since 326 A.D., has always been one of the 35 dates from March 22 to April 25. The present method describing the Easter Dating Procedure can be found in Christian Prayer Books. This procedure was been dramatically simplified by Ronald W. Mallen, Adelaide, South Australia. You can easily calculate the date for Easter at any time in the past or future by visiting where, with the use of a simple calculator, a simple method for obtaining Easter is given. In Orthodox churches (like the Russian Orthodox Church or Greek Orthodox Church) the date for Easter is usually different. This is because in 1583 the Western world adopted the 'Gregorian' calendar rather than the 'Julian Calendar' of the Roman Empire meaning that in England some dates (October 5th - 14th) were removed from the calendar. In the east, the old Julian calendar was still used, and although the Gregorian calendar is now used for secular things, the Julian calendar is still used for determining Easter. In some years the Orthodox Easter Sunday occurs on the same day as the Western Easter Sunday. For example, this occurred in 1990 because the Western Easter Sunday date of (Gregorian calendar) April 15, 1990 is the same as the Orthodox Easter Sunday date of (Julian calendar) April 2, 1990. In most years, Orthodox Easter follows Western Easter by one or more weeks.