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Hugh Luettgen

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Q: When was log drum invented?
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Who invented the Samoan log drum?

the Americans did

Where the steel drum was invented?

the steel drum was invented in trinidad.the steel drum was invented in trinidad.

Who invented the quint drum?

Chuck Norris invented the quint drum. Chuck Norris also invented the drum corps even before bugles were invented

When was the snar drum invented?

There is no such thing as a "snar" drum.

When and where did the drums originate?

The drum may have orginated in Africa or India by the earliest humans of almost one million years ago. No one knows. The drum is the oldest musical instrument, and was probably used for sending signals before that. A hollow log can be a drum, so there is no way of dating its origin. Possibly a hollow log was covered with an animal skin and stretched to dry in the sun. Accidentally dropping an object on the skin caused the "boom" sound of a bass drum. The drum was then used in religious rites and later to signal others. Its true the drum is the oldest instruments, dont know when it was invented but i know it was originated in Africa.

Who was the hapi drum invented by?

Its origins lie between the Caribbean Steel Drum and the Swiss Hang drum but the Hapi was invented in the USA and is a recent invention.

Did the bass drum evolve from an instrument?

The bass Drum IS AN INSTRUMENT ! Originally, you could think of a Very Large Log, as the'bass drum'. Low Sound.

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Who invented the Zambomba drum?

The Spanish.

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Who invented the lali drum?

The Fijians.