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Q: When was nanny of the maroons born and which year?
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What is nanny the maroons real name?

nanny of the maroons

Who is Nanny as a maroon leader?

nanny of the maroons

Where was nanny of the maroons from?

Nanny of the Maroons was from Ghana, West Africa. She was brought to Jamaica as a slave but later escaped and became a prominent leader of the Windward Maroons, a group of Jamaican Maroons who fought against British colonization.

Where was Nanny of the Maroons born?

nanny was born in east Africa where she came to Jamaica in a slave ship she did not like slavery so she ran away that was called a maroon so other slaves would come to blue mountain and join nanny she was the leader of the maroons which was also known as queen nanny

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Where did nanny of the maroons live?

Nanny of the Maroons, also known as Queen Nanny and Granny Nanny, a National Hero of Jamaica, was a well-known leader of the Jamaican Maroons in the eighteenth century. They made a village which was known as Nanny Town in the Blue Mountains of Portland Parish, north-eastern Jamaica, used as a stronghold by Granny Nanny; the town held out against repeated British attacks before being destroyed in 1734.

How did Nanny of the maroons die?

Nanny of the marrons died some time in the 1750s and was born in the seventh century in east Africa and run to omar

Who is Jamaica only national heroine?

nanny of the maroons is the only heroine of Jamaica

who was the nanny of the maroons?

Queen Nanny, Granny Nanny or Nanny (c. 1686 – c. 1755), was an 18th-century leader of the Jamaican Maroons. She led a community of formerly enslaved Africans called the Windward Maroons.

Who were the parents of nanny of the maroons?

i don't knw can u tel me

What former slave spoke out against slavery?

Frederick Douglass was a former slave who became a prominent speaker and writer against slavery. He used his own experiences to advocate for the abolition of slavery and equal rights for all.

What was nanny the year nanny was born?

A baby:)