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Q: When was neurons first discovered?
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First order sensory neurons?

First order sensory neurons begin in the receptor, travel to dorsal/posterior gray horn of the spinal cord where they synapse with the second order sensory neurons.

The neurons that would pick up sound first before it is even relayed to the brain are called?

connecting neurons

Who discovered the cell neurons and cellular organelles?

im fairly certain they were all discovered by different people. perhaps you are specifically talking about the Golgi apparatus which was discovered by Camillo Golgi? that's the only organelle named after its discoverer.

Was potassium k the first metal to be discovered?

No, The First Metal To Be Discovered Was GOLD. No, The First Metal To Be Discovered Was GOLD.

When was the lunar rover first discovered?

it was first discovered 1888

What are neurons called that detect stimuli in the skin and eye?

sensory neurons

Who discovered synapse?

Santiago Ramón y Cajal was a Spanish neuroscientist who demonstrated that neurons were not associated with each other in continuity, but rather in contiguity. The English neurophysiologist, Sir Charles Sherrington, and his colleagues named the contact between neurons a "synapse." The space between neurons revealed by Ramón y Cajal is now called a synapse.

Are neurons that relay impulses from sensory neurons to motor neurons?

Sensory Neurons

Sensory neorons and neurons are connected by-?

Sensory neurons and neurons are connected by Interneurons.

When was Hawaii first discovered as a state?

IT WAS first discovered when Lincoln was born

Which element was discovered first nobelium or niobium?

Niobium was discovered first.

When several neurons are stimulated equally which one will fire first?

The neuron with the lowest threshold potential will fire first when several neurons are stimulated equally. Threshold potential is the minimum level of depolarization needed to trigger an action potential in a neuron. Neurons with lower threshold potentials are more excitable and will fire before neurons with higher threshold potentials.