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it was ratified in 1817. gave African americans the right to vote

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Q: When was the 15th Amendment ratified and what does it say?
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What year was 15th amendment created?

1870 (ratified)

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December 15th 1791

What was the 13 14 and 15 amendment?

Duing the Reconstruction period; 1865, 1866, 1869.

When did the 15th amendent pass?

Wikipedia says: It [The 15th Amendment] was ratified on February 3, 1870.

What is the ratification date of amendment number 3?

The 3rd amendment was ratified December 15th, 1791.

Why did the eighth amendment get ratiflied?

The eighth amendment to U.S. Constitution was ratified December 15th, 1791.

The 15th amendment ratified in 1870 said that?

Blacks could vote.

The 15th Amendment is about?

That blacks could vote. Ratified February 3rd 1870.

In what year was the 15th amendment passed?

The 15th amendment was ratified on February 3, 1870. This amendment did not fully guarantee the African-Americans to vote until the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Who received the right to vote in 1870 when the 15th Amendment was ratified?

African American men

Which amendment ratified in 1870 granted the right to vote to everyone regardless of race?

This would be the 15th Amendment under section 1. To find out more information on the 15th Amendment, check out the related link.

Which group receive the right to vote in 1870 when the 15th amendment was ratified?

African American Males