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11y ago

Coca Cola was first created in May 1886 by Dr. John Pemberton, a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia, in a 3-legged brass kettle in his backyard, and named by his bookkeeper Frank Robinson.

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14y ago

Coca-Cola Zero was introduced by The Coca-Cola Company in 2004.

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Which erupts higher Diet Coke or coke zero?

coke zero definetly

How much grams of sugar is there in a coke zero?

A can of coke zero has OVER 9000 GRAMS OF SUGAR

Is it true that Coke Zero has more sugar than a regular Coke does?

No. Coke Zero has no calories, while regular Coke does.

How much Liters is Coke zero Large?

Coke zero Large is 1.5L Coke zero regular is 600ml+

How is it produced coke from coal?

Coke is produced by the distillation of coal.

Why is sprite zero pH different from that of sprite?

Sprite zero is an acid just as Coke or Coke Zero.

Is Coke better for you more than Coke Zero in health related?

coke zero is better because no sugar

How much sugar is in Coke zero?

None. Coca-Cola Zero is called that due to "Zero Calories, Same Taste". Having no calories, Coke Zero has no sugar.

What is coke zero?

Definitely coke always go original. Coke Zero. Get as few calories as possible. You might as well eliminate the calorie problem considering you're hurting your kidneys, bladder, ability to absorb sugar and tolerance for caffeine by drinking it.

Is there preservatives in a can of coke?

No there are no preservatitves in regular coke. however in coke zero and diet coke there are.

Which is healthier Diet Coke or coke zero?

Well if you look on the back of the can it will tell you the calories and what it has inside it but its definitely coke zero because not only has it got zero calories it has zero caffeine and sodium

Which Coca-Cola products are most likely to lose customers to Coke Zero?

Would be Diet Coke. Because people who drinks regular coke would not change their drinks because two reasons. The first is that when Coca-Cola first start with Coke Zero the label was exactly the same as Diet Coke's can, which is a drink target to women. And the second reason is that people who drink regular Coke are not going to sacrifice regular Coke's taste.