

Coke Zero

Coke Zero is a carbonated drink produced by the Coca-Cola Company. Aptly named, Coke Zero has zero calories and zero sugar.

71 Questions

Is diet Pepsi or coke zero better for you?

coke zero. diet Pepsi makes you gain more weight.

How many calories are in a Cruzan rum and Coke zero?

I'm seeing a lot on wiki and other sites but the average when put together seems to be stating 1 calorie for 1 ml. So a 200 ML bottle of clear Bacardi rum is going to roughly have about 200 calories as long as you don't mix it with anything else of course. Some sites say that a 50ml shot contains 56 calories others say 50 calories. One even went bold and stated 3200 calories for a 200ml bottle which is a lie because I drink Bacardi rum straight on the rocks and I don't feel like I've had a five guys burger after I'm finished. Eat a good bit of protein before you drink it and drink plenty of water before and afterwards. Also take milk thistle (natural supplement) to support your liver function. This will help keep your weight gain in check. It works for me. And if for some reason I want more I always switch to a light beer it helps amplify the buzz if that's what your going for. Miller, Coors light.

Which has more Aspartame Coke Zero or Diet Coke?

Diet Coke has more aspartame with 125 mg vs 58 mg in Coke Zero per 240 ml. For more info click on the following link:

What level is Coke Zero on the pH scale?

The pH of coke, diet coke and coke zero is approximately 3. Published research in peer reviewed publications puts coke as the most acidic of the three. The acidity of these beverages is due in large part to the presence of phosphoric acid as an added ingredient. Phosphoric acid is a weak acid. Furthermore, the lack of any significant buffering in sodas means that these types of beverages incapable of significantly altering your stomach pH. In fact, recent peer reviewed research shows that coke and diet coke pH will increase to approximately 5 to 6 in your mouth. The pH of your stomach becomes very acidic in response to the presence of food proteins (pH of 1.5 to 2). If you do the math, you can see that these beverages do not have an acidic effect on your stomach, much less effect your entire body. Note also that our physiology has the capacity to adjust to changes in blood pH by three mechanisms: buffers in blood, respirations (breathing) increases to remove acid from the blood, in kidney you will excrete (urinate) more acid if there is any change in blood pH. For these reasons, blood pH does not vary beyond a pH of 7.4 to 7.6. It is very tightly regulated by automatic physiological processes.

Why is diet coke better than normal cola?

its not.. you may think it is look up everything in it the fake sugar alone (spenda ect.) that was just an example but the artificial sweeteners in diet are known to cause cancer as well as strokes

Which is healthier Diet Coke or coke zero?

Well if you look on the back of the can it will tell you the calories and what it has inside it but its definitely coke zero because not only has it got zero calories it has zero caffeine and sodium

What affect do Coke Zero and Coke Light have on bones?

coke and coke zero is the same, but coke zero just has a bit of sugar there for they do bring the same affect on you i know because i drink 20litres of coke pre day puls im only 12 yearsold and i been drinking coke since i was7 i have suffered lots of sideeffects, but im use to from handling these effects and i still drink it now, and u may think im stupid but i already broke the record for this my name isn't mension, but 988,6794 peoples aready knowabout this, and anyways the effects u get is

*heart problems such asasma (i had this)

*angermanagment(i got this,so nobody winds me up because they know wht happens and don't want it to happen again,i had this.)

*blood popping out your skin(i had this)

*intesting over flow(i had this)

*intesings rips a bit its very painfull,but it only happens once(i had this.)

*DIZZZY ness such as roomspining and double vison and etc


*black out

*hard to run

*u get weaker, but im still strong my knucless are 3cm long

*u get fatter,but iam allready fat and strong but people say that im rough

*head pain

*eye sight goes worser


*more white cells less blood cells


*musle pulls

*blood from nose

*heart rate fast puls slow

*low blood circulation


*night mares

*hyperness,but never happened to me

*somatchpains and more i cant write them all down,so please try searching them, and if u fear a side effect remmeber ur not the only one my names not in Google,so sorry but i have broke the record.and i havefeared all these side effects

and search more about coke and stay well.

How much grams of sugar is there in a coke zero?

A can of coke zero has OVER 9000 GRAMS OF SUGAR

Can coke zero give you cancer?

yes it can because of all the chemicals inside it and plus partly everything causes cancer.

Does Coke Zero have any dangerous ingredients?

Yes, Coke Zero contains Aspartame, therefore it should be considered extremely dangerous for long term use. Aspartame studies have also recommended further investigation into possible connections between aspartame and negative effects such as headaches, brain tumors, brain lesions and lymphoma .These findings, combined with possible conflicts of interests involving CEO Donald Rumsfeld in the approval process, have engendered vocal activism regarding the possible risks of aspartame.

What is the rating difference between Sprite and Coke Zero?

According to they have the exact same rating

4 stars to sprite

4 stars to coke zero

Is coke zero okay for diabetics?

No case of diabetes is identical, but on the whole, diabetics should likely not drink Coke Zero. It's best to check dietary rules and restrictions with a medical professional familiar with each specific case.

Does coke zero have sugar?

yes it has no sugar but don't be fooled its just a marketing trick used by majority of corporations. Instead of sugar they use sweetener its just as bad and most will no this as sugars alternative. Good trick coca cola! its there way of advertising products to appeal to a wider audience. Do yourself a favor stay away from soft drinks they are all owned by coca cola and stick to mineral water.

Does Diet Coke have the same amount of caffeine in it as Coke zero?

Probably not; diet coke is much healthier than coke. diet coke is actually not better than normal coke as the acids in diet coke make you want more sugar and makes you want more sugar and food so it makes you binge out on mainly sugar filled foods. so if you are dieting i would recommend you drink neither.

How much sugar is in Coke zero?

None. Coca-Cola Zero is called that due to "Zero Calories, Same Taste". Having no calories, Coke Zero has no sugar.

What is the shelf life of coke zero?

according to coca cola canada... the shelf life is 18 weeks from the date of bottling.. that means if u buy a coke zero on Aug 1st... it will go bad by Dec 5th...

not very long for a soda.

What are the advantages in drinking coke zero?

Coke Zero is sweetened with a combination of Aspartame and acesulfame potassium (Ace-K). Coke Zero is the same basic formula as classic Coke while Diet Coke is a different formula completely. Diet Coke is sweetened with aspartame only. There are unsubstantiated theories (at least by Coca Cola) that the unsuccessful release of Coke Two or new Coke was actually the formula for Diet Coke, just sweetened with the classic sugar combination.

Also, Coke Zero has 0.5 Calories per 100ml while Diet Coke, oddly enough, still contains one Calorie.

One other rationale for the Coca Cola release of Coke Zero is that men are reluctant to buy diet coke because of the association with dieting and women. Much of the marketing of Coke Zero in the US is directed toward men and activities often associated with masculinity.

On a side note, in many European countries and pan American/south American countries, Diet Coke is released as Coca Cola Light.= In any case, both Aspartame and Acesulfame are extremely toxic to the human body, which is why in spite of the ludicrous 'urban legend' claim, many food manufacturers now actually write on their products: 'Does not contain Aspartame'.

Who invented Diet Coke and coke zero?

They launched coke zero because they thought that men were too embarrassed to ask for diet coke because it sounded too feminine.

Coke zero ingedients?

these are only some ingredients but here they are:

- coca plants

- cola nuts

- sweetened with sugar
EVIL +sugar+caffein+aspartame