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The ENAIC was invented in 1946

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Q: When was the ENAIC computer developed?
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What is the meaning of ENAIC?

Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic computer

What did the the enaic do?

The enic pprojected the first images

Why or when was the ENAIC unplugged?

because the bears attacked them.

What year was the computer developed?

a computer developed in about 5,000 years ago in china.

What company developed a home computer?

IBM developed the first home computer

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Networks were developed as a communication method between computers at remote sites

When was the computer developed or created?

The computer was developed or created in the mid 1820s. This was done by Charles Babbage who proposed the first mechanical computer in 1837.

What was enaic?

ENIAC or Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer was a computer designed during WW2 to do numerical integration to assist in computing ballistic trajectory tables for new artillery pieces. It had 20 accumulators/integrators and was entirely programmed by plugin cables, effectively requiring completely rewiring it for each new problem.

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Computer viruses are developed with the help of different codes, strings and scripts. They are developed to destroy something or to hack or steal some data.

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When was computer first developed?

It was developed many, many years ago.