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Q: When was the Greek numeral system created?
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What numeral system was used the earliest?

Greek System

What makes the Roman numeral system simpler and more flexible than the Greek?

The Roman numeral system needed only 7 symbols while the ancient Greek numeral system needed 27 symbols

Why did the greek number system start?

The numeral system of ancient Greece existed from the Linear A and Linear B periods [2100 - 1900 BCE]. The later known today numeral was created in the 2nd BCE century.

Greek numeration system?

The original Greek numeral system was the Aegean numeral system, which used separate symbols for 1, 10, 100, 100 and 10000. This was replaced by the Attic numeral system, which was quite similar to the Etruscan/Roman numeral system (which derived from it), with separate symbols for 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and so on. This was then replaced by the Ionic system, which used 27 separate symbols for the units 1-9, the tens 10-90 and the hundreds 100-900.

Who created Romans math system that you us today?

The Etruscans created the Roman numeral system and they once ruled the Romans.

Which alphabet is not a roman numeral?

The Greek alphabet is not a Roman numeral!

Greek numbers were first used how long ago?

Greek numbers were first used about 3,000 years ago in ancient Greece. The Greek numeral system, also known as Attic numerals, was developed during this time and was in use until the adoption of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system in the late Middle Ages.

Why did they create Hindu Arabic numerals?

For the same reasons that we need a numeracy system today which is based on the Hindu-Arabic numeral system that was a lot easier than the Roman numeral system that it replaced.

Why did roman invented numeral symbols?

It was their only recognisible number system like our Arabic-numeral system (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)

Did Roman numeral evolve?

Yes the Roman numeral system evolved from the Etruscan numeral system and the Etruscans once ruled the Romans.

Where did the Roman make Roman numerals?

No where because this numeral system was created by the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans

What was wrong with the Greek and Roman numbering system?

There was nothing wrong with theGreekand Roman numbering systems. They were complicated. They have beenreplacedby the Arabic numeral system because it is much easier to use.