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Q: When was the Mexican plateau made?
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What is the term for Mexican plateau?

Mexican Central Plateau or Mexican Altiplano.

Most of Mexico is made up of a rugged central plateau called the?

Central Mexican Plateau or Mexican Altiplano. In Spanish it is known as the Altiplano Central or Altiplanicie Mexicana.

What is Mexican plateau?

Well i think you mean "What is a Mexican Plateau?", but anyway a Mexican plateau is a large platform that is created by lava over a series of eruptions of the volcano.

What landform make up most of central Mexico?

ozark plateauthat answer is wrong because ozark plateau is in usaThe correct answer is 'The Central Mexican Plateau'.

What is the Plateau of Anahuac?

It is the Central Mexican Plateau, also known as the Mexican Altiplano. It is a large plateau that occupies much of northern and central Mexico.

Is there a plateau in Latin America?

Mexican Plateau and Mato Grosso Plateau are examples of such landforms.

Are there jobs in the Mexican Plateau?


What forms the Mexican plateau?


Why is the central plateau important to Mexican culture?

Central plateau is important to Mexican culture it is a popular region. This is taught in social studies.

What plateau covers Mexico?

The Central Mexican Plateau located in the heart of Mexico.

Were is The Central Mexican Plateau?

In central Mexico

The majority of Mexican people live in?

Most of them live on the Central Mexican Plateau