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Q: When was the death penalty in china introduced?
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In china is there a death penalty?

Yes, in China they use the death penalty frequently.

What is the penalty for poaching in China?

yes china has a penalty, It was punishable by death In 2011 but I am unsure now.

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What are some countries that have the death penalty and some that don't?

Iran ,The united states Iraq, China, Japan, have the death penalty. Australia. Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Do not have the death penalty

What country uses death penalty the most?

its china but they do not release figures

Where has the death penalty not been abolished and for what crimes is it used for?

In the USA, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, etc. For Murder..and Treason . In China, carrying 50 grams of heroin will get you the death penalty. Similar for drugs in some other countries.

Why Death penalty should be re-introduced?

Yes because theres too many ******* out there ***** people's ***. THose ****** should be **** killed

Does china believe in the death penalty?

Yes, along with other countries such as Iran, North Korea and Yemen.

Is Texas for or against the death penalty?

For. If most of the citizens in Texas did not want the death penalty, there would be no death penalty.

What does china give the death penalty for?

It is given in China for very high treason , and when things are added in the foods and people die. Like they put it in milk recently.