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Q: When was the first time ever in the book Freak The Mighty that max and freak ever talked about the bionic body?
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What page did freak first tell max about the bionic body?

Freak tells Max about the bionic body on page 23. They also go into detail on how the body works, as well as its components and parts.

What happened first in Freak the Mighty?

Max starts out in preschool and that's how he first meets Freak/Kevin

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Who is narrating the story of Freak the Mighty?

The young adult novel called Freak the Mighty was written by an American author called Rodman Philbrick.Freak the Mighty was first published in 1993. It was also made into a screen adoption called The Mighty" in 1998.

What does freak call max when he first se him in Freak the Mighty?

Freak calls him an earthling and then he tells him to suffer the consequences an die! XD

Why is the first chapter of Freak the Mighty called the unvanquished truth?

Because it tells the reader the truth about Freak or Kevin.

What does someone else say about Kevin in Freak the Mighty?

he says he is the first bionically improved human

What does freak tell max about the bionic unit?

he is going to get a new body there because his organs are growing inside but he is not growing outside.

How did Max first make friends with Freak in Freak the Mighty?

In the book Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick, Freak and Max are the two main characters.Freak is a nickname given to Kevin, and Max (The Mighty) is short for Maxwell Kane

What happens in chapters 9 13 in Freak the Mighty?

Well I don't quite remember, but in the book Freak takes Max on a quest, and He takes him to the research center and Max learns that Freak will soon be given the first ever made custom built mechanical body.........

When did kicker first meet robot boy and when did he see him again in Freak the Mighty?

Kicker first meets robot boy in daycare and sees him again when he moves in next door. :D your welcome

Who invented the first bionic eye?

a penis