

When was the reinassance?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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9y ago

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what was it about the middle ages that the Renaissance rejected

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Q: When was the reinassance?
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wallpaper was invented during the reinassance so u can find the date on another website thanks have a nice day

Was the reinassance during the french revoulationary?

No. The French revolution was in 1789 and after our American revolution We inspired them to have their revolution and our constitution was also an inspiration. The Renaissance was in the 1400 to 1500's. several hundred of years before the French revolution.

What period did science and technology come into the middle ages?

Science and technology have been a part of human history even before the middle ages. The bow and arrow, irrigation, metalurgy, astronomy etc. If you're asking when the dark ages ended than look up The Reinassance.

What American music artist is credited with combining rhythm and blues and gospel music to create what is now called soul music?

I think it was the Harlem people during the Harlem Reinassance.

How did these changes help lead to the European Age of Exploration?

During the middle ages. Europeans had done little exploring beyond their own shores.Except for the Holy land, they they had very little knowledge of. or interest in, other lands. During the Reinassance , however, Europeans became curious about the world around them. This lead to an interest in science and technology. It also led to the age of Exploration. Hope i helped..

What gives Italians their senses of identity?

Not much, i think. Italians have more a sense of identity with their region for historical reasons. Anyway i would say our unique history and culture (knowing we're basically not "barbars" as the rest of Europe besides Greece, you know roman empire and reinassance). The cusine wich is the most rich in the world and among the best ( we think is the best). Christian religion i guess. Probably the national football team and sport in general.

What advances were made in the medieval and renaissance period of botany?

In the Renaissance period, da Vinci did detailed drawings of plants. Microscopes had been invented so people were studying plant anatomy. In the Middle Ages, doctors studied plants to be used for medicine. Abu Hanifa Dinawari, a Kurdish botanist, wrote a book describing almost a thousand plants in great detail in the latter part of the 800s.

How did the focus of study change between Middle ages and the reinassance?

During the Middle Ages, to have an education you had to joins the seminaries, the paces which provided training for priests. Therefore, the focus of studies as theology. During the last stage of the Middle Ages (the High Middle Ages) there was the rise of the universities. Besides theology, arithmetic and geometry, medicine, grammar and logic, philosophy, music and astronomy also emerged as disciplines of study. The High Middle Ages also saw the beginning of a emergence of interest in the classics (The Romans and the Greeks). The classics had been ignored in Christian Europe as they were seen as a pagan period. This interest reached its peak in the Renaissance. This term basically means the rebirth in interest in the classics.

How did the Renaissance effect the life's of peasants?

i don't think this is it, but a small change was that peasants had to work from sun-up to sun-down doing excruciatingly physically demanding work in the middle ages. in the reinassance they moved to cities. after the plague, price adn demand of goods went up, and peasants became a shortage and need, creating better conditions and wages for a few decades. also, some peasants became part of the new middle class of bankers, merchants, etc.