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Q: When was the second airplane invented?
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What was the second airplane invented?

it was called double cheese munching squirrel tooth

Was the Airplane invented in AFrica?

NO, the airplane was not invented in Africa.

When was travelling in aeroplanes invented?

In 1908, when the Wright Brothers finally put a second seat on their airplane.

What year was the airplane invented answers?

The first airplane was invented in 1903

Who has created airplane?

The Wright Brothers invented the airplane.

Who invented the airplane during the Industrial Revolution?

The Wright brothers invented the airplane during the Industrial Revolution.

Who invented airplane stall warning?

the person who invented the airplane stall warning is Leonard Michael Greene.

What year was the airplane invented in?

The airplane was invented in the late 1890's. The first recognised flight was in 1903.

The wright brothers invented the airplane in what year?

The Wright Brothers Invented it in 1901

Who was the people to invent the airplane?

Orville and Wilbur Wright invented the airplane.

What came first the automobile or airplane?

The car was invented before the airplane.

What inventions were invented after the Wright Brothers invented the airplane?
