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Q: When was writing letters invented?
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What is a system of letters invented by the Phoenicians to make writing easier?

The Alphabet

What were the letters invented by dwarf's in The Hobbit?

They are called runes. They are based on the ancient Scandanavian writing system.

Who made up the letters from the alphabet and words that you could read from?

No one person invented writing. It evolved over thousands of years.

Who invented literacy?

The invention of writing is prehistoric. Not surprisingly, people who couldn't write didn't write down how they learned to use letters.

Why did Aldus Manutius Invented Cursive?

Because one of his friend was Doug someone (writing) and he did it a lazy way and then they wanted to make more letters in cursive.

Who invented the cuneiforming writing?

the Sumerians invented the writing cuneiform.

What are rune-letters?

rune letters are dwarf writing in The Hobbit.

Who invented the first pen ever made?

600-1800 ADThe Europeans found that writing on parchment with a quill pen altered the style of their writing. At first they used capital letters all the time, but later they developed faster styles with small letters. Quill Pens (firstly appeared in Seville, Spain) were the writing instrument from 600 to 1800 AD.

When was roman writing invented?

The Roman writing invented in the 7th century. This is considered to be among some of the most ancient forms of writing.

How was hieroglyph writing different from writing today?

Hieroglyphics writing is pictures and todays is in letters

How do you stop letters from touching when writing a word down on paper?

By practising writing, spacing the letters carefully, and taking your time.

What activity are letters most similar?

Writing letters is a form of non fiction. It is similar to writing a diary or a journal.